You Have Been There
Steps: 96 Vægge: 2 Niveau: High Intermediate Musik: You Have Been There - Stephen McWhirter : (iTunes) Kunstner: Koreograf: Alison Johnstone (AUS) & David Hoyn (AUS) - July 2023 Extras: Restart A on wall 1 & 3, Restart B on wall 6 |Intro: Start on the word “TAKES” – COUNT ONE- IE - Nothing “TAKES” | |Section 1: FWD DRAG, BACK DRAG, BACK (LOOK), RECOVER, HALF, HALF |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, Drag R in for 2 counts |4, 5, 6Step back R, Drag L in for 2 counts |1, 2, 3Step Back L leaving R toe fwd, looking over L shoulder hold two counts |4, 5, 6Recover on R, ½ over R step back on L, ½ over R step fwd on R | |Section 2: FWD, ½ OVER R WITH HOOK, FWD SWEEP, FWD SWEEP, TWINKLE (6.00) |1, 2, 3Step Fwd L ½ over R hooking R across L (over 3 counts) (6.00) |4, 5, 6Step fwd R sweeping L back to front (over 3 counts) |** Restart B happens here during Wall 6 this restart faces 12.00 ** |1, 2, 3Step fwd L sweeping R back to front (over 3 counts) |4, 5, 6Cross R over L, Rock side L, Recover R (Twinkle R) | |Section 3: 1/8 TWINKLE, BACK DRAG, ½ TURN BASIC, COASTER (10.30) |1, 2, 31/8 over L cross L over R, Rock R to side, Recover L (4.30) |4, 5, 6Step back R dragging L to R |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, ½ over L step back R, Step L together (10.30) |4, 5, 6Step R back, Step L together, Step R fwd | |Section 4: FWD POSITION 4, BACK SWEEP ¼, BACK SWEEP, BACK HOOK (7.30) |1, 2, 3Step L fwd dragging R into position four (R inside of foot behind L calf) |4, 5, 6Step R back sweeping L as you turn ¼ over L (7.30) |1, 2, 3Step L back sweeping R front to back |4, 5, 6Step R back hooking L over R | |Section 5: DIAMOND STEP OVER L TO 9.00 |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, 1/8 L Step R side, Step L together (6.00) |4, 5, 61/8 L Step R back, 1/8 L Step L side, Step R together (3.00) |1, 2, 31/8 L Step L fwd, 1/8 L Step R side, Step L together (12.00) |4, 5, 61/8 L step back R, 1/8 L step L side, Step R together (9.00) | |Section 6: FWD, KICK, HOLD, BACK, ½ L, FWD, FWD, HITCH, HOLD, BACK, ½ L, ¼ L (6.00) |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, kick R, Hold |4, 5, 6Step R back, ½ over L Step L fwd, Step R fwd (3.00) |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, Hitch R, Hold |4, 5, 6Step R back, ½ over L fwd L, ¼ over L side R (6.00) | |Section 7: BACK SWEEP, BACK DRAG, FWD, POINT, HOLD, TWINKLE ¼ R (9.00) |1, 2, 3Step L back sweeping R front to back, |4, 5, 6Step R back dragging L to R |*Restart A happens here at the end of walls 1 & 3. Both restart facing 6.00* |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, Point R side, Hold |4, 5, 6Cross R over L, ¼ R Rock L side, Recover R (9.00) | |Section 8: FWD, POINT, HOLD, TWINKLE ¼ R, TWINKLE, TWINKLE ½ R (6.00) |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, Point R side, Hold |4, 5, 6Cross R over L, ¼ R Rock L side, Recover R (12.00) |1, 2, 3Cross L over R, Rock side R, Recover L (Twinkle R) |4, 5, 6Cross R over L, ¼ R Step L back (3.00), ¼ R Step R side (6.00) | |**Ending: You will be facing 6.00 dance up to count 18 (same place as Restart B) then step forward onto Left, you will be facing 12.00 | |Alison Johnstone: +61 404 445 076 alison@nulinedance.com www.nulinedance.com | |Last Update: 24 Jul 2023 | ||