The Lemon Tree
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Beginner Musik: Lemon Tree - Fools Garden Kunstner: Koreograf: Kim Ray (UK) |WEAVE RIGHT, SIDE ROCK, CROSS & HOLD 1-2Step right to side, cross left behind right 3-4Step right to side, cross left over right 5-6Rock right to side, recover on left 7-8Cross right over left, hold WEAVE LEFT, SIDE ROCK, TURN ¼ RIGHT, STEP FORWARD 9-10Step left to side, cross right behind left 11-12Step left to side, cross right over left 13-14Rock left to side, turn ¼ right and step right forward 15-16Step left forward, hold TOUCH CROSS, TOUCH OUT IN OUT, HOLD 17-18Touch right toe to side, cross right over left 19-20Touch left toe to side, cross left over right 21-22Touch right toe to side, touch right toe together 23-24Touch right toe to side, hold CROSS POINTS, TOUCH IN OUT IN, HOLD 25-26Cross right over left, touch left toe to side 27-28Cross left over right, touch right toe to side 29-30Touch right toe together, touch right toe to side 31-32Touch right toe together, hold REPEAT |