Ac's Abba Remix
Steps: 64 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Improver Musik: Super Trouper - Martial Simon Kunstner: Koreograf: Alexis Strong (UK) & Caroline Cooper (UK) - August 2023 INTRO 32 COUNTS (start on vocals) | |SECTION 1 SIDE ROCK, BEHIND SIDE CROSS, SIDE ROCK BEHIND SIDE FWD (12) |1-2Rock R to R side, recover L |3&4Cross R behind L, step L to L side, Cross R over L |5-6Rock L to L side, recover R |7&8Cross L behind R, step R to R side, Step L fwd | |SECTION 2 STEP ¼ TURN, STEP ¼ TURN, CROSS, SIDE, BACK LOCK STEP (6) |1-2Step fwd R, turn ¼ L |3-4Step fwd R, turn ¼ L |5-6Cross R over L, step back L |7&8Step back R, lock L across R, step back R | |SECTION 3 BACK ROCK, SHUFFLE FWD, STEP ½ TURN, STEP ¼ TURN (9) |1-2Rock back L, recover R |3&4Step fwd L, step R next to L, step fwd L |5-6Step fwd R, ½ turn L |7-8Step fwd R, ¼ turn L | |SECTION 4 CROSS SIDE SAILOR HEEL, TOGETHER, CROSS SIDE SAILOR HEEL (9) |1-2Cross R over L, step L to L side |3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, tap R heel to R diagonal |&5-6Step R next to L, cross L over R, step R to R side |7&8Step L behind R, step R to R side, tap L heel to L diagonal | |SECTION 5 BALL CROSS ROCK, SHUFFLE ¼ TURN, HEEL SWITCHES, CLAP, CLAP (12) |&1-2Step L next to R, cross R over L, recover L |3&4¼ turn stepping R fwd, close L next to R, step fwd R |5&6&Tap L heel fwd, close L next to R, tap R heel fwd, close R next to L |7&8Tap L heel fwd, clap, clap | |SECTION 6 BALL, ROCK FWD, RECOVER, SHUFFLE ¼ TURN, JAZZ BOX (3) |&1-2Step L next to R, rock fwd R, recover L |3&4¼ turn R stepping R to R side, close L next to R, step R to R side |5-6Cross L over R, step back R |7-8Step L to L side, step fwd R | |SECTION 7 ROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE ½ TURN, HEEL SWITCHES, CLAP CLAP (9) |1-2Rock L fwd, recover R |3&4¼ turn over L shoulder stepping L to L side, close R next to L, ¼ turn L stepping L fwd |5&6&Tap R heel fwd, close next to L, tap L heel fwd, close next to R |7&8Tap R heel fwd, clap clap | |SECTION 8 BALL, ROCK FWD, RECOVER, SHUFFLE ¼ TURN, JAZZ BOX (6) |&1-2Step R next to L, rock fwd L, recover R |3&4¼ turn L stepping L to L side, close R next to L, step L to L side |5-6Cross R over L, step back L |7-8Step R to R side, cross L over R | |WE HOPE YOU ENJOY OUR CREATION! ANY QUESTIONS OR QUERIES PLEASE GET IN TOUCH! | |linedancersoflinthorpe@outlook.com (Caroline) |alexisstrong0421@gmail.com (Alexis) | ||