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Linedance Portalen

Bow Chika Wow It  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Intermediate
Musik: Bow Chika Wow It - Kali J & LiTTiE      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Dustin Betts (USA), Cody Flowers (USA) & Joey Warren (USA) - September 2023

Dance starts 16 counts into song
|[1-8] Knee In-Out, Hitch, Behind-Side-Cross, Side, ¼, Step-Lock-Step
|1&2Put weight on LF while turning Right Knee In, Turn Right Knee Out, Hitch Right Knee (12:00)
|3&4Step RF behind LF, Step LF to left, Cross RF over LF (12:00)
|5 6Big Step left with LF, ¼ Turn Right stepping side with RF (3:00)
|7&8&Step LF forward, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF forward, Touch RF beside LF (3:00)
|[9-16] Step, ¼ Touch, Coaster, Step-Pivot ½, C Bump, Close
|1 2Step back on RF, ¼ Turn right touching LF beside RF while snapping fingers to sides (6:00)
|3&4Step back on LF, Step RF beside LF, Step forward on LF (6:00)
|5 6Step RF forward, Pivot ½ Turn left putting weight on LF (12:00)
|7&8&¼ Turn left touching RF to right side while bumping right hip up, Recover weight on LF while bumping left hip to left, Step down on RF while bumping right hip right, Step LF beside RF (9:00)
|*Optional Hands on 7&8: (7) Bring right hand up and right in the shape of a fist (&) Bring right hand left across body (8) Bright right hand down to right side snapping fingers
|[17-24] Step, Touch, ¼, ½, ¼ Side Shuffle, Cross Rock-Recover-Side
|1 2Step RF to right, Touch LF behind RF (9:00)
|3 4¼ Turn left stepping LF forward, ½ Turn left stepping back on RF (6:00)
|5&6¼ Turn left stepping LF to left, Step RF beside LF, Step LF to left side (9:00)
|7&8Cross Rock RF over LF, Recover weight on LF, Step RF to right side (9:00)
|[25-32] Crossing Shuffle (x2), Touch-&-Touch-&, Step, Hip Bump (x3)
|1&2Cross LF over RF, Step RF to right, Cross LF over RF (9:00)
|3&4½ Turn right crossing RF over LF, Step LF to left side, Cross RF over LF (3:00)
|5&6&Touch LF to left, Step LF beside RF, Touch RF to right, Step RF beside LF (3:00)
|7&8&Step LF to left side while bending left knee, Transfer weight to right bumping hips right, Transfer weight to left bumping hips left, Transfer weight to right bumping hips right
|On Wall 3, restart after 8 counts
|On Wall 6, restart after 16 counts touching right foot to right side to begin dance
|On Wall 7, there is a 2 count hold after count 31. You then continue with & 8 & (hip bumps) and
|start the dance again. When the music cuts out, you hold, and when the bump bump bump happens, you finish the dance. To help with timing, you can use the following counts: 5&6&7 WAIT
|WAIT &8&. You’ll hear it in the music. :)
|Immediately on the next wall 8… there is a 1 count hold after count 31. You then continue with & 8
|&(hip bumps) and pose. To help with timing, you can use the following counts: 5&6&7 WAIT &8&.