Lazy West Coast River
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: High Beginner Musik: Lazy River - David Campbell : (Amazon Music, Spotify, iTunes etc.) Kunstner: Koreograf: Heather Jayne Endall (AUS) - October 2023 * 1 RESTART Wall 3 after 8 counts | |Intro: Starts at lyrics at 16 counts | |Section 1: R SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS, STEP L SIDE, SLIDE R NEXT TO L, R KICK BALL CROSS |1,2,3&4Rock R to R side, Recover on L, R behind, L Step Side (&), R cross |5,6,7&8Step L to L side, Slide R next to L, R kick, R ball(&), L cross over R |*RESTART: *WALL 3 AFTER 8 COUNTS | |Section 2: ¼ TURN OVER R STEP R FACING [3:00], L TOGETHER, FWD R, FWD L, R TOGETHER, FWD L, R FWD, TAP L BEHIND, BALL L, TAP R HEEL, BALL R, TAP L BEHIND |1&2¼ Turn over R step R Fwd to [3:00], Step L next to R (&), step R Fwd |3&4Step L Fwd, Step R next to L (&), Step L Fwd |5,6&7&8Step R Fwd, tap L toes behind, Ball L(&), tap R heel, Ball R(&), Tap L toes behind | |Section 3: L STEP BACK, LOW KICK R, R STEP BACK, LOW KICK L, COASTER BACK L, FWD R, L |1,2,3,4Step back on L, Kick R low in front, Step back on R, Kick L low in front |5&6,Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L Fwd |7,8Step Fwd on R, Step Fwd on L | |Section 4: OUT/OUT, IN/IN, HOLD, R STEP BCK, L SWEEP BACK, L SAILOR |&1,2Step wide R on diagonal (&), Step wide L on diagonal, Hold (2) |&3,4Step R in to centre (&), Step L next to R, Hold (4) |5,6,7&8R step back, Sweep L back, L behind R, R to side, L to side | |Wall 11 - Last wall; Finish the dance by extending your L sweep back unwind over L facing [12:00] | |This is my first WCS style dance……. I hope you enjoy! | |Any questions or errors with the stepsheet, please feel free to contact me on the below: |Contact Heather Endall: +61 417 955 752 |Email: hjendall@challen.com.au | ||