Northern Spirit
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Improver Musik: Nalligigakku (Because I Love Her) - Joey Nowyuk : (not the instrumental version) Kunstner: Koreograf: Carolyn Jurek (CAN), Rob Fowler (ES) & I.C.E. (ES) - March 2021 Intro: 16 counts (approx. 8 secs) (No Tags or Restarts) | |S1 (1-8) R HEEL GRIND ¼ TURN RIGHT, R COASTER, L HEEL GRIND ¼ TURN LEFT, L COASTER |1-2Rock fwd R heel twisting R toe from L to R making ¼ turn right, recover back L 3:00 |3&4Step back R, step L next to R, step fwd R |5-6Rock fwd L heel twisting L toe from R to L making ¼ turn left, recover back R 12:00 |7&8Step back L, step R next to L, step fwd L | |S2 (9-16) R ROCK STEP FWD, SHUFFLE ½ TURN RIGHT, STEP L FWD, BOUNCE HEELS 3/8 TURN RIGHT, STEP L FWD |1-2Rock fwd R, recover back L |3&4Make ½ shuffle turn right stepping R, step L next to R, step fwd R 6:00 |5-6-7Step L fwd (5), bounce heels twice (6-7) while making a slow 3/8 turn right towards 10:30 (weight ends on R) 10:30 |8Step L fwd 10:30 | |S3 (17-24) R ROCK FWD DIAGONAL, R SHUFFLE BACK, TOUCH L BACK, 5/8 TURN LEFT, R SIDE ROCK |1-2Rock fwd R facing into diagonal, recover back L 10:30 |3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R back 10:30 |5-6Touch L toe back (5), make 5/8 turn L stepping onto L (6) straightening to 3:00 |7-8Rock R to right side, recover L 3:00 | |S4 (25-32) STEP R, L SIDE ROCK, ½ TURNING L SAILOR, R KICK & POINT L-R, L HEEL, STEP L |&Step R beside L (&) 3:00 |1-2Rock L to left side, recover R |3&4Making a ½ turn left step L behind, step R to right side, step L to left side 9:00 |5&6Kick R fwd (5), step R beside L (&), point L toe to left side (6) |&7Step L beside R (&), point R toe to right side (7) |&8&Step R beside L (&), touch L heel in front (8), step L beside R (&) | |Start Over | |I hope you will enjoy dancing to this unique track, with catchy music and lyrics sung in Inuktitut - one of the Inuit languages of northern Canada | |Contact: Choreographer Carolyn Jurek - carolynjurek@gmail.com | | ||