Steps: 64 Vægge: 2 Niveau: High Intermediate Musik: For Real - Joybird Kunstner: Koreograf: Julia Wetzel (USA) - October 2023 Intro: 16 counts, start dance with lyric ”smile” (7 sec. into track) | |[1 - 8] Toe Strut R L, Rock, Back, Hold, |1 - 4Step R toe fw (1), Step R heel down (2), Step L toe fw (3), Step L heel down (4) |Styling: Shimmy shoulders 12:00 |5 - 8Rock R fw (5), Recover L (6), Step R back (7), Hold (8) 12:00 | |[9 - 16] Back, ¼ R Side, Cross Rock, Side, Drag, Behind Rock |1 - 4Step L back (1), ¼ Turn right step to R to right side (2), Cross rock L over R (3), Recover on R (4) 3:00 |5 - 8Big step L to left side (5), Drag R to L (6), Rock R behind L (7), Recover L (8) 3:00 | |[17- 24] Step, Heel Swivels, Behind Rock, ¼ L, Hold |1 - 4Step ball of R to right side (1), Swivel R heel to right (2), to left (3), to right step R heel down (4) |Styling: Swivel as if you’re stamping out a cigarette butt, gradually placing more weight on R 3:00 |5 - 8Rock L behind R (5), Recover R (6), ¼ Turn left step L fw (7), Hold (8) 12:00 | |[25 - 32] Side, Touch Behind, Side, Touch Behind, Bounce ½ R, Hold |1, 2Step R to right side (1), Touch L behind R (2) 12:00 |3, 4Step L to left side (3), Touch R behind L (4) 12:00 |5 - 8Unwind ½ turn right bouncing heels 3 times weight ends on R (5-7), Hold (8) 6:00 | |[33- 40] Step, Clap, Step Clap, Step, Pivot ¼ R, Cross, Hold |1 - 4Step L fw to left diag. (1), Touch R next to L and clap hands (2), Step R fw to right diag. (3), Touch L next to R and clap hands (4) 6:00 |5 - 8Step L fw (5), Pivot ¼ right step R to right side (6), Cross L over R (7), Hold (8) 9:00 | |[41- 48] ¼ L Back, Hitch, ¼ L Side, Hitch, Jazz Box |1 - 4¼ Turn left step R back (1), Hitch L and clap hands (2), ¼ Turn left step L to left side (3), Hitch R in front of L and clap hands (4) 3:00 |5 - 8Cross R over L (5), Step L back (6), Step R to right side (7), Cross L over R (8) 3:00 | |[49- 56] Side, Hold, Close, Cross, ¼ R Back, Back Rock |1 - 4Step R to right side (1), Hold (2), Close L behind R (3), Cross R over L (4) 3:00 |5 - 6Step L to left side (5), ¼ Turn right on L (6), Rock R back (7), Recover L (8) 6:00 | |[57- 64] Side Hip R L, Back, Together, Heel Bounces |1 - 4Roll R hip to right side as you step R toe to right side (1), Slowly lower R heel (2), Roll L hip to left side as you step L toe to left side (3), Slowly lower L heel (4) 6:00 |5 - 8Step R back to center (5), Step L next R (6), Bounce both heels twice weight ends on L (7-8) 6:00 | |Tag Do the following Tag at the end of Wall 1 facing 6:00 and at the end of Wall 3 facing 12:00 |[1 - 8] (Step, Point: Side, Fw, Side) R L |1 - 4Step R fw slightly crossing L (1), Point L to left side (2), Point L fw (3), Point L to left side (4) 6:00 |5 - 8Step L fw slightly crossing R (5), Point R to right side (6), Point R fw (7), Point R to right side (8) 6:00 | |[9 - 16] (Cross, Together, Twist) R L |1 - 4Cross R over L (1), Step L next to R (2), Twist hip left by swivelling both heels left and up (3), Return heels to center and down weight ends on R (4) 6:00 |5 - 8Cross L over R (5), Step R next to L (6), Twist hip right by swivelling both heels right and up (7), Return heels to center and down weight ends on L (8) 6:00 | |[17- 24] Cross, ¼ R Back, Point, Hitch, Side, Cross, Point, Hitch |1 - 2Cross R over L (1), ¼ Turn right step L back (2) 9:00 |3 - 8Point R to right side (3), Hitch R knee across L (4) Step R to right side (5), Cross L over R (6), Point R to right side (7), Hitch R knee across L (8) |Styling: Reach your L wrist down towards your R knee as you hitch 9:00 | |[25 - 32] Side, Cross, ¼ R Step, Together, Out, Out, Hold, Hip Roll |1 - 4Step R to right side (1), Cross L over R (2), ¼ Turn right step R fw (3), Step L next to R (4) 12:00 |&5, 6 - 8Hop R to right side (&), Hop L to left side (5), Hold (6), Roll hip over 2 counts weight ends on L (7-8) 12:00 | |Contact: JuliaLineDance@gmail.com - www.JuliaWetzel.com | || |