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Linedance Portalen

Cold Sets In  

Steps: 82             Vægge: 1             Niveau: Phrased Advanced
Musik: Cold Sets In - Worlds First Cinema : (iTunes)      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Guillaume Richard (FR) & Jannie Tofte Stoian (DK) - September 2021

Intro: 16 counts intro (app. 17 seconds). Starts on singing
|Sequence: A B A TAG B B
|Note: It's all about the music - so follow the music rather than the counts 😊
|A[1-8] R basic step, L vine ¼ L, ½ L sweep, Behind side, Cross rock side
|1-2&Step R to R side (1), step L next to R (2), cross R over L (&) 12:00
|3-4&Step L to L side, cross R behind L (4), turn ¼ L stepping L fw (&) 09:00
|5Turn ½ L stepping R back and sweeping L ccw (5) 03:00
|6&7Step L behind R (6), turn ⅛ R stepping R to R side (&), rock L over R (7) 04:30
|8&Recover onto R (8), step L to L side (&) 03:00
|A[9-16] Step, ½ R, ⅜ R, Reach pull in, Cross rock side, Cross ¼ ½ R, Sweep, Step R fw
|1Step R fw, prepping body L (1) 03:00
|2&Turn ½ R stepping L back (2), turn ⅜ R stepping R diagonally R (&) 01:30
|3&4Reach R arm fw toward R diagonal palm open (3), reach L arm to R diagonal palm open (&), close both hands into fists and drag arms toward body and L leg toward R (weight still R) (4) 01:30
|5&Rock L over R (5), recover onto R (&) 01:30
|6&7Turn ⅛ L stepping L to L side (6), cross R over L (&), turn ¼ R stepping L back, sweeping R cw while turning ½ R (weight still L) (7) 09:00
|8Step R fw, prepping body L (8) 09:00
|A[17-24] ½ ½ R, Walk, Mambo ¼ R hitch, ¼ R ½ R hitch, Step coaster
|&1-2-3Turn ½ R stepping L back (&), turn ½ R stepping R fw (1), hold (2), step L fw (3)
|Note: you're stepping forward on the words 'life' and 'is' 09:00
|4&Rock R fw (4), recover onto L (&) 09:00
|5-6Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, raising onto ball of R foot (piqué) and hitching L foot next to R leg/knee (think figure 4) (5), cross L over R (6)
|Note: You're following the song again, raising up on the beginning of 'complicated' 12:00
|7&Turn ¼ R stepping R fw, raising onto ball of R foot (piqué) and turning ½ R while hitching L (7), step L back (8)
|Note: You're following the song again, raising up on the word 'I' 09:00
|8&Step R back (8), step L next to R (&) 09:00
|A[25-32] Walk walk sweep, Cross side back rock, ¼ ½ L out, Arms up
|1-2-3Step R fw (end of coaster step) (1), hold (2), step L fw sweeping R ccw (3)
|Note: you're stepping forward on the words 'tried' and 'lie' 09:00
|4&Cross R over L (4), step L to L side opening up toward 10:30 (&) 09:00
|5&Rock R back (5), recover onto L (&) 09:00
|6&Turn ¼ L stepping R back (6), turn ½ L stepping L fw (&) 12:00
|7-8Step R to R side while raising both arms arm palms open (7), keep raing arms until fully stretched over head (8) 12:00
|A[33-34] Pull arms down
|1-2(ish) Close both hands into fists while dragging arms down towards center of body (1-2)
|Note: your cue to start B is the words 'I hate it when the' 12:00
|B[1-8] Twist L, R ¼ L sweep, Cross side scissor step, ¼ ½ L step, Rock step
|1-2-3Crossing arms over chest twist upper body L (1), release arms next to hips, palms facing down and twist upper body R (2), turn ¼ L stepping onto L and sweeping R ccw
|Note: you'll be doing the twists on the words 'Cold Sets In' 09:00
|4&5Cross R over L (4), step L to L side (&), close R behind L (5) 09:00
|&6&Cross L over R (&), turn ¼ L stepping R back (6), turn ½ L stepping L fw (&) 12:00
|7-8&Step R fw (7), rock L fw (8), recover onto R (&) 12:00
|B[9-16] Back sweep x2 collapse, Out out ¼ lean, Full spiral R, Step ½ ½ R
|1-2-3Step L back sweeping R cw while R arm goes from R shoulder and fw in a circular motion (1), repeat with R leg and L arm (2), touch/press L behind R while arms cross in front of chest (weight L) 12:00
|4&Step R to R side on the ball of your foot, while bringing R arm to R hip palm down(4), step L to L side on the ball of your foot while bringing L arm to L hip palm down (&) 12:00
|5Step R to R side twisting body ¼ L doing a low kick with L (5) 09:00
|6-7Step down on L doing a full spiral turn R (6), step R fw (7) 09:00
|8&Turn ½ R stepping L back (8), turn ½ R stepping R fw (&) 09:00
|B[17-24] ¼ R basic, ½ L sweep, Side cross, Side arabesque, Cross rock side
|1-2&Turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (1), close R behind L (2), cross L over R (&) 12:00
|3-4&Turn ¼ L stepping R back and sweeping L ccw another ¼ L (3), step L to L side (4), cross R over L (&) 06:00
|5Step L to L side lifting R leg diagonally back (5) 06:00
|6&7Rock R over L (6), recover onto L (&), step/sway R to R side (7) 06:00
|8&Sway L (8), Sway R (&) 06:00
|B[25-32] Walk x 3, Mambo ¼ R, Cross ¼ ¼ L, ¼ L hitch, Cross rock side
|1-2-3Walk fw L (1), walk fw R (2), walk fw L (3) 06:00
|4&5Rock R fw (4), recover onto L (&), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (5) 09:00
|&6Cross L over R (&), turn ¼ L stepping R back 06:00
|&7Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (&), on L turn ¼ L hitching R (7) 12:00
|8&Rock R over L (8), recover onto L (&)
|Note: this is your ending at the last B. Only do the cross on count 8. You're facing 12 12:00
|B[33-40] Twirling diamond fallaway
|1-2&Step R to R side (1), turn ⅛ L stepping L back (2), step R back (&) 10:30
|3-4&Turn ¼ L stepping L fw, prepping body R (3), turn ½ L stepping R back (4), turn ½ L stepping L fw (&)
|Note: non-turning option step R fw (4), step L fw (&) 07:30
|5-6&Turn ⅛ L stepping R to R side (5), turn ⅛ L stepping L back (6), step R back (&) 04:30
|7-8&Turn ¼ L stepping L fw, prepping body R (7), turn ½ L stepping R back (8), turn ½ L stepping L fw (&)
|Note: non-turning option step R fw (8), step L fw (&) 01:30
|B[41-48] Basic R, Basic L, Sway R-L, Cross behind collapse
|1-2&Turn ⅛ L stepping R to R side (1), close L behind R (2), cross R over L (&) 12:00
|3-4&Step L to L side (3), close R behind L (4), cross L over R (&) 12:00
|5-6Sway body R while reaching R arm up (5), sway body L while reaching L arm up (6) 12:00
|7-8Cross/touch R behind L pulling arms in toward body and collapsing upper body (7-8) - like taking a dramatic bow
|Note: when going from B to B at the end only pull arms in - don't collapse, to make it easier going into the twist. 12:00
|T[1-10] Twirling diamond fallaway (same as counts 33-40), Side arms arm, pull down
|1-2&Step R to R side (1), turn ⅛ L stepping L back (2), step R back (&) 10:30
|3-4&Turn ¼ L stepping L fw, prepping body R (3), turn ½ L stepping R back (4), turn ½ L stepping L fw (&) 07:30
|5-6&Turn ⅛ L stepping R to R side (5), turn ⅛ L stepping L back (6), step R back (&) 04:30
|7-8&Turn ¼ L stepping L fw, prepping body R (7), turn ½ L stepping R back (8), turn ½ L stepping L fw (&) 01:30
|9-10Turn ⅛ L stepping R to R side, reaching both arms up (9), pull both arms down (10) 12:00
|Good luck & enjoy!
|Last Update - 29 Sept. 2021
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