Fire On Up
Steps: 96 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Phrased Advanced Musik: Fire on Up - Paper Kings Kunstner: Koreograf: Fred Whitehouse (IRE) & Shane McKeever (N.IRE) - September 2023 Intro: 32 counts from first clear beat in music. App. 13 secs. into track. Start with weight on L foot |Sequence: A1, A2, B, B, C, A1, A2, B, B, Tag, Tag, B, B, C. |Note: A1 is always followed by A2. Only difference between them is the last 8 counts. See below | |A1 Part: 32 counts, 1 wall |[1 – 8] Press R&L to diagonals, R kick ball step, skate RL |1 – 4Press R to R diagonal (1), step R next to L (2), press L to L diagonal (3), step L next to R (4) 12:00 |5&6Kick R fwd (5), step down on R (&), step L fwd (6) 12:00 |7 - 8Skate R fwd (7), skate L fwd (8) … Styling: bend knees during skates 12:00 | |[9 – 16] Hitch R, R jazz box, fwd L, flick hitch with slaps, ¼ L fwd R, bounce ½ L |1Hitch R knee across L (1) 12:00 |2&3 – 4Cross R over L (2), step back on L (&), step R to R side (3), step L fwd (4) 12:00 |5&6Flick R foot out R slapping foot with R hand (5), hitch R knee slapping knee with L hand (&), turn ¼ L stepping down on R (6) 9:00 |&7&8Lift heels off the floor (&), lower heels turning ¼ L (7), lift heels off the floor (&), lower heels turning ¼ L making sure weight is on L (8) 3:00 | |[17 – 24] ¼ L back R, hitch slap, back L, hitch slap, ¼ R step slide, ball cross, ¼ L fwd L |1 – 2Turn ¼ L stepping back on R (1), hitch L knee slapping knee with R hand (2) 12:00 |3 – 4Step back on L (3), hitch R knee slapping knee with L hand (4) 12:00 |5 – 6Turn ¼ R stepping R a big step to R side (5), slide L towards R (6) 3:00 |&7 – 8Step L next to R (&), cross R over L (7), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (8) 12:00 | |[25 – 32] R V-step, cross heel touch, point R, down, up and step L next to R |1 – 4Step R to R diagonal (1), step L to L diagonal (2), step R back to centre (3), step L back to centre (4) 12:00 |5 – 6Cross touch R heel over L (5), point R to R side (6) 12:00 |7 – 8Bend in knees transferring weight to R (7), straighten in knees stepping L next to R (8) 12:00 | |A2 Part: 32 counts, 1 wall (counts 1-24 are like A1, the only difference is counts 25-32) |[25 – 32] R fwd with arms up, L to L side with arms to sides, crisscross arms down, R back rock & arms down, arms up, recover on L placing R hand on heart, L hand on heart |1 – 2Step R fwd throwing both arms up with palms up (1-2) 12:00 |3Push arms out to both sides stepping L to L side (3) 12:00 |4&Move arms down crossing L over R and R to L side (4), move both arms to each side palms facing down (&) 12:00 |5 – 6Rock R back starting to move arms up keeping palms facing down (5), arms finish at chest level (6) 12:00 |7 – 8Recover on L placing R hand on heart (7), place L hand on top of R hand (8) 12:00 | |B Part: 32 counts/2 walls |[1 – 8] Sway body R, sway LR, full pencil turn L, walk RL with cutting arms/hands |1 – 2Push off L foot swaying body to R side (1-2) 12:00 |3 – 4Sway body L (3), sway body R and prepping body R (4) 12:00 |5 – 6Turn ¼ L stepping onto L (5), touch R foot next to L turning ¾ L on L foot (6) 12:00 |7 – 8Walk R fwd slashing R hand down L (7), walk L fwd slashing R hand down R (8) 12:00 | |[9 – 16] Diamond shaped hands up/down, push arms to L, turn 5/8 R w R leg lift, ball walk LR |1 – 2Step R fwd and bring both hands up to head height creating the shape of a diamond with tips of R&L thumbs touching each other … Note: all fingers must be pointing up (1), tilt fingers down keeping the diamond figure (2) 12:00 |3&4Keeping hands in the diamond shape step L to L side pushing R elbow up (3), push L elbow up waving arms to the L side… (&), push R elbow down and push both arms to the L side 12:00 with the finger tips pointing to the L side having created a body prep to 10:30 (4) |5 – 6Start turning 5/8 R on L foot lifting R leg (5), finish turn (6) 7:30 |&7 – 8Step down on R (&), walk L fwd (7), walk R fwd (8) 7:30 | |[17 – 24] Rock LRL with R arabesque and flame arms, back R, 1/8 L side L, R cross shuffle |1 – 2Rock L fwd pushing both hands fwd at chest height (1), recover on R pushing arms back with palms up and at head height (2) 7:30 |3 – 4Rock L fwd pushing hands fwd and above head height (3), lift R leg up with a straight leg (4) 7:30 |5 – 6Step back on R (5), turn 1/8 L stepping L to L side (6) 6:00 |7&8Cross R over L (7), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (8) 6:00 | |[25 – 32] Rock LRL with R arabesque and flame arms, back RL, R kick ball cross with 1/8 R |1 – 2Turn 1/8 L rocking L fwd and pushing both hands fwd at chest height (1), recover on R pushing arms back with palms up and at head height (2) 4:30 |3 – 4Rock L fwd pushing hands fwd and above head height (3), lift R leg up with a straight leg (4) 4:30 |5 – 6Step back on R (5), step back on L (6) 4:30 |7&8Turn 1/8 R kicking R fwd (7), step down on R (&), cross L over R (8) 6:00 | |Note: during the first B after the last tag you change the timing and some of the steps from counts 25-32: |[25 – 32] Rock LRL with R arabesque and flame arms, back R, behind side cross with 1/8 R |1 – 2Turn 1/8 L rocking L fwd and pushing both hands fwd at chest height (1-2) 4:30 |3 – 4Recover on R pushing arms back with palms up and at head height (3-4) 4:30 |5 – 6Rock L fwd pushing both hands fwd and above head lifting R leg up with a straight leg (5-6) 4:30 |7 – 8Step back on R (7), turn 1/8 R stepping L next to R (8) 6:00 | |C Part: 32 counts/1 wall (note: counts 17-32 are the same as counts 1-16 but just on the other foot) |1 – 8R step touch, ¼ L step touch, ¼ L side R, L sailor ½ L, side R |1 – 2Step R to R side (1), touch L next to R (2) 12:00 |3 – 5Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (3), touch R next to L (4), turn ¼ L stepping R to R side (5) 6:00 |6&7 – 8Cross L behind R (6), turn ¼ L stepping R next to L (&), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (7), step R to R side (8) 12:00 | |[9 – 16] L cross heel touch, side L, R cross heel touch, side R, L jazz box, R cross over L |1 – 4Cross touch L heel over R (1), step L to L side (2), cross touch R heel over L (3), step R to R side (4) 12:00 |5 – 8Cross L over R (5), step back on R (6), step L to L side (7), cross R over L (8) 12:00 | |[17 – 24] L step touch, ¼ R step touch, ¼ R side L, R sailor ½ R, side L |1 – 2Step L to L side (1), touch R next to L (2) 12:00 |3 – 5Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (3), touch L next to R (4) turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (5) 6:00 |6&7 – 8Cross R behind L (6), turn ¼ R stepping L next to R (&), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (7), step L to L side (8) 12:00 | |[25 – 32] R cross heel touch, side R, L cross heel touch, side L, R jazz box, L cross over R |1 – 4Cross touch R heel over L (1), step R to R side (2), cross touch L heel over R (3), step L to L side (4) 12:00 |5 – 8Cross R over L (5), step back on L (6), step R to R side (7), cross L over R (8) 12:00 | |Tag: 16 counts/2 walls (Tag comes twice, facing 12:00 and 6:00, right after each other) |[1 – 8] Fwd R hitch L, Hold, out out LR, down L & roll arms from down and up, clap hands, slap RL thighs, clap hands over head and hitch L knee |1 – 2Step R towards R diagonal hitching L knee (1), Hold (2) 12:00 |&3Step down and out L (&), step down on R (3) 12:00 |4 – 5Change weight to L with body facing L diagonal and start to roll arms backwards starting at hip height (4), finish rolling arms upwards (5) 12:00 |6&7 – 8Clap hands changing weight to R (6), bend in knees clapping R thigh with R hand (&), clap L thigh with L hand (7), change weight to R hitching L knee and clap hands above head (8) 12:00 | |[9 – 16] Cross, Hold, back side fwd, ½ L pushing L arm through, RL fwd & together, body roll |1 – 2Cross L over R (1), HOLD (2) 12:00 |&3 – 4Step back on R (&), step L to L side (3), step R fwd (4) 12:00 |5 – 6Start turning ½ L on R bringing L arm fwd with palm opened up to L side start pushing L arm to L side (5), change weight to L finishing arm push (6) 6:00 |&7 – 8Step R fwd (&), step L next to R bending in both knees (7), roll body from down and up (8) 6:00 | |Ending Finish dance with count 32 of your last C section. Step R to R side ending at 12:00 again 12:00 | || |