Me Oh My
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Improver Musik: Me Oh My (feat. Rod Stewart) (GBX & Sparkos Cfk Remix) - Johnny Mac And The Faithful : (iTunes & Amazon) Kunstner: Koreograf: Lee Hamilton (SCO) - June 2023 Thank you to Michelle Smith for recommending the music | |Intro: 32 Counts - 1 Tag | |Section 1 [1-8] R Shuffle Fwd, Side Rock, Recover, L Shuffle Fwd, Side Rock, Recover |1&2Step fwd on R (1), step L next to R (&), step fwd on R (2) |34Rock L out to L side (3), recover on R (4) |5&6Step fwd on L (5), step R next to L (&), step fwd on L (6) |78Rock R out to R side (7), recover on L (8) 12:00 | |Section 2 [9-16] Cross R, Back L, 1/8 Turn R Chasse, Cross L, Back R 1/8 Turn L, Chasse L |12Cross R over L (1), step back on L (2) |3&4Make 1/8 turn R stepping R to R side (3) 1:30, staying on the angle step L next to R (&), step R to R side (4) 1:30 |56Cross L over R (5), make 1/8 turn L stepping back on R straightening to 12:00 (6) |7&8Step L to L side (7), step R next to L (&), step L to L side (8) 12:00 | |Section 3 [17-24] Cross R, Side L, R Sailor, Cross L, Side R, L Sailor ¼ L |12Cross R over L (1), step L to L side (2) |3&4Step R behind L (3), step L to L side (&), step R to R side (4) |56Cross L over R (5), step R to R side (6) |7&8Cross L behind R making ¼ turn L (7), step R to R side (&), step L to L side (8) 9:00 | |Section 4 [25-32] Heel Switches, Tap R Heel Twice, Heel Switches, Step L Fwd, Brush R Fwd |1&2&Tap R heel fwd (1), step R next to L (&), tap L heel fwd (2), step L next to R (&) |34Tap R heel fwd twice (3,4) |&5&6Step R next to L (&), tap L heel fwd (5), step L next to R (&), tap R heel fwd (6) |&78Step R next to L (&), step L fwd (7), brush R fwd (8) 9:00 | |TAG |At the end of Wall 6 (facing 6:00) add the following 2-count tag then start the dance again: |Stomp R fwd (1), stomp L next to R (2) | |Have fun! | |Contact: Leeh040595@icloud.com | | | |