Red Hot Salsa
Steps: 64 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Beginner / Intermediate Musik: Red Hot Salsa - Dave Sheriff Kunstner: Koreograf: Christina Browne (UK) |HEEL BOUNCES 1-8Bounce right heel four times, bounce left heel four times HIP BUMPS 9-12Bump hips left twice, bump hips right twice 13-16Bumps hips left, right, left, right (weight to left) ROCK STEPS 17-18Rock right forward, recover onto left 19-20Rock right back, recover onto left 21-24Repeat 17-20 GRAPEVINE RIGHT, LEFT STEP, SLIDE WITH CLAP 25-26Step right to side, cross left behind right 27-28Step right to side, touch left together 29Big step left to side 30-31Slide right together over 2 beats 32Touch right together (clap) RIGHT KICK BALL CHANGE TWICE, TOE SWITCHES WITH CLAP 33&34Kick right forward, step right together, step left in place 35&36Kick forward right, step right together, step left in place 37&Touch right to side, step right together 38&Touch left to side, step left together 39-40Touch right to side, clap 41-48Repeat 33-40 HEEL TOUCHES FORWARD, TOE TOUCHES RIGHT 49-50Touch right heel forward, touch right together 51-52Touch right heel forward, touch right together 53-54Touch right to side, touch right together 55-56Touch right to side, touch right together Turn head right with toe touches, steps 53-56 57-60Repeat 49-52 61-62Touch right to side, cross right over left 63-64Unwind ½ left, clap REPEAT If your left leg gets tired during counts 49-60, alternate your feet on the touches 49-50Touch right heel forward, step right together 51-52Touch left heel forward, step left together 53-54Touch right toe to side, step right together 55-56Touch left toe to side, step left together 57-60Repeat 49-52 | |