Get Dirty
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: Dirty Girl (feat. Sarah Ross & Young Gunner) - Lenny Cooper Kunstner: Koreograf: Mark Paulino (USA) - 18 August 2022 Starts: 32 counts | |[1 – 8] CROSS HEEL GRIND, CROSS HEEL GRIND ¼ TURN, PRESS ROCK RECOVER, BALL STEP STEP |1 2R heel touch cross over L, R heel grind in place as L steps to the side |3 4R heel touch cross over L, R heel grind ¼ turn R as L steps back 3:00 |&5 6R ball touch besides L, L press down forward, recover back onto R |&7 8R ball touch besides L, step forward R then L | |[9 – 16] KICK BALL STEP, ROCK RECOVER, SHUFFLE ½ TURN, ½ TURN, STEP BACK & KNEE POP |1&2R kick forward, R ball touch besides L, L steps forward |3 4Rock R forward, recover back on L |5&6R stepping back ¼ turn R, L steps besides R, R steps to the side with ¼ turn R 9:00 |7 8L steps forward with ½ turn R, step back with R as you pop L knee up keeping L ball touching the floor 3:00 | |[17 – 24] STEP DRAG BODY ROLL HITCH, KICK AND POINT AND POINT, HEEL SWIVEL WITH ¼ TURN L, BODY ROLL DOWN |1 2Step onto L as R drags toward L as you body roll down, step onto R when besides L as you hitch L forward |3&4L kick forward, L steps besides R, R side point |&5R steps besides L, L side point |&6L heel swivel towards R, R heel swivel towards R with ¼ turn L (keeping weight on R) 12:00 |7 8Body roll down weight shifting forward from L and back onto R |EZ Option: Step drag hitch without the body roll (on counts 1 2) |EZ Option: Replace body roll down (on 7 8) with both heel swivel L weight shifting onto L (7), swivel back into place weight shifting onto R (8) | |[25 – 32] BALL STEP WITH ¼ PIVOT TURN, SWAY SWAY, MODIFIED VAUDEVILLE HOP |&1 2L ball touch besides R, R steps forward, ¼ turn L pivoting weight from R to L 9:00 |3 4Sway hips R, sway hips L |5&6&Cross R over the L, step L to the L, touch R heel to the R, step R down neutral |7&8&Cross L over the R, step R to the R, touch L heel to the L, step L down neutral | |ENDING: At the end of the song/dance facing 9:00, cross R over L and perform a slow 3/4 pivot unwind, ending facing 12:00 wall. | |Email: thefinelinedance@gmail.com | |Last Update: 25 Aug 2022 | | | |