Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Improver Musik: Bam! (Chill Remix) - KELSON & LÒNIS Kunstner: Koreograf: José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL), Tim Johnson (UK) & Rebecca Lee (MY) - December 2023 Count In: Dance begins after 20 counts |Notes: Tag happens on at the end of wall 5 | |[1-8] Walk R, walk L, R side rock cross, ¼ , ¼, L cross & cross |1 -2Walk forward R (1) Walk forward L (2) |3&4Rock R to right side (3) recover weight to L (&) Cross R over L (4) |5-6Making a ¼ turn right, step back on L (5), making a ¼ turn right, step R to right side (6) |7&8Travelling right, cross L over R (7) step R to right side (&) cross L over R (8) |*end facing 6 o’clock | |[9-16] R rock recover, L behind & infront, rock L, rock R, L&L |1-2Rock R to right side (1) recover weight to L (2) |3&4Travelling to the left, step R behind L (3) step L to left side (&) cross R over L (4) |5-6Rock L out to left side (5) Rock R out to right side (6) |7&8Travelling to the left, Rock L out to left side (7) recover weight onto R (&) Rock L out to left side (8) |*through counts 5-8 swing shoulders in the directions of the rocks. | |[17-24] Rock R, rock L, R&R, cross ¼ forward, walk R, Walk L |1-2Rock R to right side (1) rock L to left side (2) |3&4Travelling to the right, rock R to right side (3) recover weight L (&) rock R to right side (4) |5&6Cross L over R (5) making a ¼ left, rock back on R (&) Recover weight on L (6) |7-8Walk forward R (7) walk forward L (8) |*through counts 1-4 swing shoulders in the directions of the rocks |*end facing 3 o’clock | |[25-32] R rock ¼ cross, ¼ , ¼ , ¾ paddle turn |1&2Rock R forward (1) making a ¼ turn left, recover weight on L (&) cross R over L (2) |3-4Making a ¼ turn right, step back on L (3) Making a ¼ turn right, step R to right side (4) |5-6-7-8Making a 1/4 turn right, step L out to left side (5) Making a 1/4 turn right, step L out to left side (6) Making a 1/4 turn right, step L out to left side (7) Step L next to R (8) | |* option on count 8, jump both feet together |**end facing 3 o’clock | |TAG: |At the end of wall 5 there is a 4 count tag, you’ll finish wall 5 facing 3 o’clock: |[1-4] reverse paddles ¼ turn |1-4Making a a 1/12 turn, reverse paddle on L (1) Making a a 1/12 turn, reverse paddle on L (2) Making a a 1/12 turn, reverse paddle on L (3) Step L next to R (4) |*end facing 12 | |End of dance, Smile and enjoy 😊 | | | |