Mama's Sunshine Daddy's Rain
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Easy Improver Musik: Mamas Sunshine, Daddys Rain - Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors Kunstner: Koreograf: Chrystel DURAND (FR) & Séverine Fillion (FR) - July 2020 Intro : 10 counts - 1 tag (1 count!) | |[1-8] KICK KICK, SIDE POINT, COASTER STEP, HEEL-TOE-HEEL TOUCHES, COASTER STEP |1&Right Kick fwd x 2 |2Touch right toe to right side |3&4Right back, left next to right, right fwd |5&6Touch left heel fwd, Touch left toe next to right , Touch left heel fwd |7&8Left back, right next to left, left fwd | |[9-16] STEP FWD, BOUNCES 1/4 TURN, COASTER STEP (TWICE) |1Right step fwd |&2Lift & drop both heels x 2 on the floor 1/4 turning left (ending weight on right) 9 :00 |3&4Left back, right next to left, left fwd |5Right step fwd |&6Lift & drop both heels x 2 on the floor 1/4 turning left (ending weight on right) 6 :00 |7&8Left back, right next to left, left fwd | |[17-24] STEP LOCK STEP DIAGONALLY RIGHT & LEFT, STEP 1/2 TURN, STEP 1/4 TURN |1&2Right step diagonally right fwd, « lock » left cross behind right, right step diagonally right fwd |3&4Left step diagonally left fwd, « lock » right cross behind left, left diagonally left fwd |5-6Right fwd, Turn 1/2 left (weight on letf) 12:00 |7-8Right fwd, Turn 1/4 left (weight on left) 9:00 | |[25-32] STEP, KICK, COASTER STEP (TWICE) |1-2Right step fwd, Left Kick fwd |3&4Left back, right next to left, left fwd |5-6Right step fwd, Left Kick fwd |7&8Left back, right next to left, left fwd | |TAG : After walls 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 (On the chorus and the musical part) |Lift hands and Snap up (one count) | |HAVE FUN & ENJOY... | | | |