Heart Of The Darkness
Steps: 80 Vægge: 1 Niveau: Advanced Musik: Heart Of The Darkness - Tommee Profitt & Sam Tinnesz Kunstner: Koreograf: Laura Gordon (USA) & Rachael McEnaney (USA) - July 2023 [1 - 8] R FWD, L FWD, 1/2 PIVOT R, L FWD, R FWD, L FWD, R FWD, 1/4 PIVOT L, R CROSS, 1/4 R X 2 |12&34Step R forward [1]. Step L forward [2]. Pivot 1/2 turn right [&]. Step L forward [3]. Step R forward [4] 6:00 |56&7Step L forward [5]. Step R forward [6]. Pivot 1/4 turn left [&]. Cross R over L [7]. 3:00 |8 &Make 1/4 turn right stepping L back [8]. Make 1/4 turn right stepping R to right [&] 9:00 | |[9 - 16] 1/8 TURN R FWD L, R MAMBO, L COASTER STEP. R FWD WITH ARM UP THEN DOWN, 1/8 TURN R DOING L SIDE ROCK (W/ARMS) |1 2&3Make 1/8 turn right stepping L forward [1]. Rock R forward [2]. Recover weight L [&]. Step R back [3] 10:30 |4 & 5Step L back [4]. Step R next to L [&]. Step L forward [5] 10:30 |6 &Step R forward as you raise R hand up to right diagonal [6]. Bring R hand down across body [&] 10:30 |7 8Make 1/8 turn left rocking L to left as you begin taking R hand up and around as if drawing a circle counterclockwise [7]. Recover weight R as you finish circle and take R hand out to right side (hip level) [8] 12:00 | |[17 - 24] WEAVE (LCROSS, RSIDE, LBEHIND, RSIDE), L CROSS ROCK (OPTIONAL ARM). L SIDE, R POINT, R DRAG IN, 2X CIRCLE SWEEPS R, R BEHIND WITH L SWEEP |1&2&Cross L over R [1]. Step R to right [&]. Cross L behind R [2]. Step R to right [&] 12:00 |3 4Cross rock L over R (option to take L arm fwd and up to diagonal [3]. Recover weight R [4] 12:00 |&5&Step L to left [&]. Point R to right side [5]. Bring R foot in towards L (weight stays L) [&] 12:00 |6 7Keeping weight L sweep R foot from front to back twice (as if drawing a circle on floor with R) [6,7] 12:00 |8Cross R behind L sweeping L from front to back [8] 12:00 | |[25 - 32] L BEHIND, 1/4 R, L FWD WITH FULL SPIRAL TURN R, STEP FWD R-L, R ROCK FWD, STEP BACK R-L WITH SWEEPS, R BEHIND, 1/4 L |1 & 2Cross L behind R [1]. Make 1/4 turn right stepping R forward [&]. Step L forward as you make full spiral turn right (weight ends L) [2] 3:00 |3 & 4Step R forward [3]. Step L forward [&]. Rock R forward (styling: bend knees slightly lowering down) [4] 3:00 |5 6 7Recover weight L [5]. Step R back as you sweep L [6]. Step L back as you sweep R [7] 3:00 |8 &Cross R behind L [8]. Make 1/4 turn left stepping L forward [&] 12:00 | |[33 - 40] 1/4 TURN L STEPPING R SIDE W/L LEG RAISE, L SIDE, R CROSS, L SIDE W/R LEG RAISE, R SIDE, L CROSS, R SIDE ROCK WITH 1/4 TURN L, R ROCKING CHAIR, FULL TURN L STEPPING R-L |1Make 1/4 turn left stepping R to right as you raise L leg up slightly angle body to 6:00 pushing R arm forward [1] 9:00 |2 &Step L to left [2]. Cross R over L [&]. 9:00 |3Step L to left as you raise R leg up slightly angle body to 12:00 pushing L arm forward [3] 9:00 |4&5&Step R to right [4]. Cross L over R [&]. Rock R to right [5]. Make 1/4 turn left recovering weight L [&] 6:00 |6&7&Rock R forward [6]. Recover weight L [&]. Rock R back [7]. Recover weight L [&] 6:00 |8 &Make 1/2 turn left stepping R back [8]. Make 1/2 turn left stepping L forward [&] 6:00 | |STYLING Counts 1 - 4& are technically facing the side however the angle of the body should send you towards 6:00 & 12:00 - imagine being pulled in different directions trying to find a way out “darkness” | |[41 - 48] R FWD W/L HITCH, L BACK, R CLOSE, L CROSS ROCK, L SIDE, R BALL, L CROSS, R SIDE, L CLOSE, ARMS WITH 2X WALKS R-L |1Step R forward raising up onto ball of R as you hitch L knee (option: raise R arm forward at shoulder height) [1] 6:00 |2 & 3Step L back [2]. Step R next to L [&]. Cross rock L over R (option: Touch L hand to R shoulder) [3] 6:00 |& 4Recover weight R (option: Touch L hand to L shoulder) [&]. Step L to left (option: throw L hand to left side)[4] 6:00 |&5&6Step in place on ball of R [&]. Cross L over R [5]. Step R to right [&]. Step L next to R [6] 6:00 |&Raise both arms up in front of you (bent at wrist like a ‘zombie’) [&] 6:00 |7 &Step R forward as you move arms slightly to the right [7]. Move arms slightly to the left [&] 6:00 |8Step L forward as you pull arms in [8] The arm styling for &7& is like a zombie the lyrics are “phantom weight” 6:00 | |[49 - 56] REPEAT 33-40 12:00 | |[57 - 64] REPEAT 41-46 (FIRST 6 COUNTS). R ARM OUT, L ARM OUT, HANDS IN HEART SHAPE, HANDS UP, ARMS COME DOWN |1-6Same as counts 1-6 in section 41-48 12:00 |&Push R arm straight out to right side (palms facing out) [&]. Push L arm straight out to left side (palms out) [a] 12:00 |7Bring hands in at chest height making a heart shape with fingers [7]. 12:00 |&Raise both arms above head straightening fingers with fingertips touching (elbows are slightly bent) [&] 12:00 |8Bring arms down to each side in a slow chopping motion [8] 12:00 | |[65 - 72] R SIDE, 1/8TURN L BACK L, R BACK, 1/8 TURN L SIDE, 1/8 TURN L FWD R, L FWD, 1/8 TURN L INTO R SIDE NC BASIC, L SIDE ROCK SWAYING L-R |1 2 &Step R to right [1]. Make 1/8 turn left stepping L back [2]. Step R back [&] 10:30 |3 4 &Make 1/8 turn left stepping L to left [3]. Make 1/8 turn left stepping R forward [4]. Step L forward [&] 7:30 |5 6 &Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right [5]. Close L slightly behind R heel [6]. Cross R over L [&] 6:00 |7 &Rock L to left swaying left (option: Touch R hand to L shoulder) [7] Option: Touch L hand to R shoulder [&]. 6:00 |8Recover weight R as you sway upper body right (option: return arms to sides/neutral) [8] 6:00 | |[73 - 80] (REPEAT OF 65-72 BUT OPPOSITE LEG): L SIDE, 1/8 TURN R BACK R, L BACK, 1/8 TURN R SIDE, 1/8 TURN R FWD L, R FWD, 1/8 TURN R INTO L SIDE NC BASIC, R SIDE ROCK WITH SWAY, RECOVER DRAGGING R |1 2 &Step L to left [1]. Make 1/8 turn right stepping R back [2]. Step L back [&] 7:30 |3 4 &Make 1/8 turn right stepping R to side [3]. Make 1/8 turn right stepping L forward [4]. Step R forward [&] 10:30 |5 6 &Make 1/8 turn right stepping L to left [5]. Close R slightly behind L heel [6]. Cross L over R [&] 12:00 |7 8Rock R to right swaying upper body right [7]. Recover weight L as you drag R in towards L (weight remains L) [8] 12:00 | |ENDING: AT THE END OF THE 3RD REPETITION DURING SECTION 73-80 ONLY DANCE UP TO COUNT 6& - THEN STEP R TO RIGHT SIDE AND DO THE “HEART OF THE DARKNESS” ARMS THAT ARE IN SECTION 57-64 COUNTS 7&8 | |START AGAIN ☺ HAVE FUN | | | |