Spirit Of The Dance
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Beginner Musik: Spirit of the Dance - Gary Lovini Kunstner: Koreograf: Sue Wellesley-Davies (NZ) - February 2024 Dance starts after 16 counts | |Section 1: Heel hold, toe back, step together. R then L |1,2,3,4R heel front, (1) hold, (2) touch R toe behind, (3) step R foot next to L (4) |5,6,7,8L heel front, hold, touch L toe behind, step L foot next to R | |Section 2: Touch toe out to side, touch toe tog, triple step slightly fwd. R then L |1,2,3&4Touch R toe out to R side, touch R toe next to L, triple step R/L/R slightly fwd to R diagonal |5,6,7&8Touch L toe out to L side, touch L toe next to R, triple step L/R/L slightly fwd to L diagonal | |Section 3: Touch R toe across L, touch R toe to R side, turn ¼ R, triple step R/L/R, repeat L without ¼ turn |1,2,3&4Touch R toe across and in front of L, touch R toe out to R side, turn ¼ R whilst triple stepping R/L/R together in place (3:00) |5,6,7&8Touch L toe across and in front of R, touch L toe out to L side, triple step L/R/L together in place | |Section 4: Step lock R, shuffle fwd R/L/R, step L fwd, ½ turn R, shuffle fwd L/R/L |1,2,3&4Step R fwd, step L behind close to R, step R fwd, step L tog, step R fwd |5,6,7&8Step L fwd, ½ turn over R shoulder, step L fwd, step R tog, step L fwd (9:00) | |Ending: |The dance finishes on wall 9 after 26 counts. | |Wall 9 starts to 12:00, dance sections 1 and 2. |Section 3 step change counts 7&8: ¼ turn L (to 12:00) triple step L/R/L | |Then counts 1,2 of section 4 (step lock) and strike a pose! | |suewd@xtra.co.nz | | | |