My Five Boys
Steps: 80 Vægge: 1 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: Boy From the Mountain - Luke Thomas & The Gardiner Brothers Kunstner: Koreograf: Maggie Gallagher (UK) - February 2024 Dedicated to Dad, John, Sean, Gerard & Padraig | |Intro: 16 counts after main beat starts. Begin on vocals | |S1: DROP/STOMP, RECOVER/HITCH, BACK LOCK STEP, L COASTER, SCUFF, WALK, SCUFF, WALK, SCUFF |1-2Drop/stomp onto right on slight right diagonal, Recover back on left hitching right knee up |3&4Step back on right straightening to [12:00], Lock left over right, Step back on right |5&6&Step back on left, Step right next to left, Step forward on left, Scuff right heel forward |7&8&Walk forward on right, Scuff left heel forward, Walk forward on left, Scuff right heel forward | |S2: ROCK, RECOVER, TRIPLE FULL TURN, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, ¼, ½ |1-2Rock forward on right, Recover on left |3&4Triple full turn right stepping R-L-R [12:00] |5-6Rock left to left side, Recover on right |7-8¼ hinge turn left stepping left to left side, ½ hinge turn left stepping right to right side [3:00] |(Alternative for counts 3&4 - Right Coaster Step) | |S3: STOMP, HOLD, HEEL & HEEL, & TOE & HEEL, & TOE & HEEL, TOGETHER |1-2Stomp left next to right, HOLD |3&4&Touch right heel forward, Step right next to left, Touch left heel forward, Step left slightly across right |5&6&Tap right toe behind left heel, Step right to right side, Tap left heel across right toe, Step down on left slightly across right |7&8&Tap right toe behind left heel, Step right to right side, Tap left heel across right toe, Step left next to right |Styling note: Place both hands on hips during S3 | |S4: SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, SAILOR ¼ R, CROSS, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER BALL STOMP |1-2Rock right to right side, Recover on left |3&4¼ right crossing right behind left, Step left to left side, Step right to right side [6:00] |5-6Cross left over right, Rock right to right side |7&8Recover on left, Step right next to left, Stomp left to left side | |S5: CROSS ROCK, RECOVER, CHASSE R, CROSS ROCK, RECOVER, CHASSE ¼ L |1-2Cross rock right over left, Recover on left |3&4Step right to right side, Step left next to right, Step right to right side |5-6Cross rock left over right, Recover on right |7&8Step left to left side, Step right next to left, ¼ left stepping forward on left [3:00] | |S6: STEP, ½ PIVOT, R SHUFFLE, ROCK, RECOVER, L COASTER |1-2Step forward on right, Pivot ½ left [9:00] |3&4Step forward on right, Step left next to right, Step forward on right |5-6Rock forward on left, Recover on right |7&8Step back on left, Step right next to left, Step forward on left | |S7: POINT, HOLD, & POINT, HOLD, & SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, COASTER ¼ R |1-2Point right to right side, HOLD |&3-4Step right next to left, Point left to left side, HOLD |&5-6Step left next to right, Rock right to right side, Recover on left |7&8¼ right stepping back on right, Step left next to right, Step forward on right [12:00] | |S8: ROCK, RECOVER, & HEEL & HEEL, & ROCKING CHAIR |1-2Rock forward on left, Recover on right |&3&4Step left next to right, Touch right heel forward, Step right next to left, Touch left heel forward |&5-6Step left next to right, Rock forward on right, Recover on left |7-8Rock back on right, Recover on left [12:00] | |S9: POINT, HOLD, & POINT, HOLD, & ROCK, RECOVER, ½ SHUFFLE |1-2Point right toe forward, HOLD |&3-4Step right next to left, Point left toe forward, HOLD |&5-6Step left next to right, Rock forward on right, Recover on left |7&8¼ right stepping right to right side, Step left next to right, ¼ right stepping forward on right [6:00] |(Choreographer’s note: These are Irish points in S9 & S10 - the toe is pointed forward with the leg straight) |Styling note: Place both hands on hips during S9 & S10 | |S10: POINT, HOLD, & POINT, HOLD, & ROCK, RECOVER, ½ SHUFFLE |1-2Point left toe forward, HOLD |&3-4Step left next to right, Point right toe forward, HOLD |&5-6Step right next to left, Rock forward on left, Recover on right |7&8¼ left stepping left to left side, Step right next to left, ¼ left stepping forward on left [12:00] | |*TAG: At the end of Wall 2 facing [12:00], dance the following 16 count Tag: |REPEAT SECTIONS 9 & 10 OF THE DANCE |Choreographer’s note: For a more Irish feel in the Tag, replace counts 1-4 of Sections 9 & 10 with: |POINT HOOK POINT, & POINT HOOK POINT, & ROCK, RECOVER, ½ SHUFFLE |1&2&Point right toe forward, Hook right over left, Point right toe forward, Step right next to left |3&4&Point left toe forward, Hook left over right, Point left toe forward, Step left next to right | |ENDING: At the end of Wall 3, drop/stomp forward on right to finish facing [12:00] | |Maggie Gallagher - +44 7950291350 |www.facebook.com/maggiegchoreographer - www.maggieg.co.uk | | | |