Catch My Wave
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: Catch My Wave - KENA Kunstner: Koreograf: Tim Johnson (UK) - April 2024 Count In: Dance begins after 4 counts (on the words “look out”) |Notes: 16 count tag happens at the end of wall 1 and wall 3 (on the second tag at the end of wall 3, add 4-counts walking round ¾ turn, ending at 6 o’clock) . | |[1-8] R rock recover, weave left, ¼, ¼ point, weave left. |1 -2Rock R out to right side (1) recover weight onto L (2) |3&4Step R behind L (3) Step L to left side (&) Step R over L (4) |5 -6Making a ¼ turn left, step forward on L (5) Making another ¼ turn left, point R out to right side (6) |7&8Step R behind L (7) Step L to left side (&) Step R over L (8) |*end facing 6. | |[9-16] Walk L, R L shuffle, ¼, touch, side, ¼ bounce bounce. |1-2Walk forward L (1) Walk forward R (2) |3&4Step forward L (3) Step R behind L (&) Step forward L (4) |5-6 -7Making a ¼ turn left, step R out to right side (5) touch L next to R (6) Touch L out to left side as you look to the left (7) |&8Making a 1/8th of a turn left, bounce both heels to the right (&) Making a 1/8th of a turn left, bounce both heels to the right (8) |*End facing 12, with weight on R – for styling, on the second bounce you can sit your weight back into your hip | |[17-24] Walk L, R, L shuffle, & collect, R cross, ¼, ½ shuffle. |1-2Walk forward L (1) Walk forward R (2) |3&4Step forward L (3) step R behind L (&) step forward L (4) |&5-6Making an 1/8 turn left, step R to right side (&) step L next to R (5) Cross R over L (6) |7-8&making a 3/8th of a turn right, step back on L (7) making a 1/6th of a turn right, step round on R (8) making a 1/6th of a turn right, step L behind R (&) | |[25-32] L mambo, R step back, ¼ behind, ¼, forward, out, out R, L |1Making a 1/6th of a turn right, step forward on R (1) *finishing your half shuffle, end facing 9. |2&3-4Rock L forward (2) recover weight onto R (&) step back on L (3) step back R (4) |5-6-7Making a ¼ turn right, step L behind R (5) Making a ¼ turn right, step forward R (6) step forward L (7) |&8Step R out to right side (&) Step L out to left side (8) |*End facing 3 | |TAG (16 counts). |[1-8] Switch R&L&R touch, switch L&R&L touch. |1&2Touch R out to right side (1) Step R next to L (&) touch L out to left side (2) |&3-4Step L next to R (&) big step R out to right side, dragging L up to R (3) touch L next to R (4) |5&6Touch L out to left side (5) step L next to R (&) touch R out to right side (6) |&7-8Step R next to L (&) big step L out to left side, dragging R up to L (7) touch R next to L (8) | |[9-16] R cross rock & L cross rock, ½, ½, L sailor step |1-2Cross rock R over L (1) recover weight onto L (2) |&3-4Step R to right side (&) Cross rock L over R (3) recover weight onto R (4) |5-6Making a ½ turn over left, step back on L (5) making a ½ turn over left, step back on R (6) |7&8Step L behind R (&) step R to right side (&) step L to left side (8) | |**on the second tag that faces 9, add the following 4 counts to the end of the tag** |- The following counts happen after the sailor step-Making a ¾ turn right, walk round R (1), L (2), R (3), L (4) |– You should end facing the back wall, ready to start the dance again. | |End of dance, Smile and enjoy 😊 | | | |