Come Cryin' To Me
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Easy Intermediate Musik: Come Cryin to Me - Lonestar Kunstner: Koreograf: Joshua Talbot (AUS) - April 2024 Intro: 32 count intro | |Section 1: BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS SAMBA, CROSS, ¼ BACK, ½ SHUFFLE FWD |1, 2Step R behind L, step L to L |3&4Cross R over L, Rock L to L, take weight R |5, 6Cross L over R, ¼ L step R back (9.00) |7&8½ L step L fwd, step R together, step L fwd (3.00) |(Tip: To help with the 1st count in section 2, make sure you turn a ½ L and shuffle straight forward for counts 7&8 in section 1) | |Section 2: BACK, ½, ROCK FWD, RECOVER, ½ FWD, ½ BACK, ½ FWD, FWD |1, 2Step R back, ½ L step L fwd (9.00) |3, 4Rock R fwd, recover weight L |5, 6½ R step R fwd, ½ R step L back (9.00) |7, 8½ R step R fwd, step L fwd (3.00) | |Section 3: BACK, DRAG, TOGETHER, WALK, WALK, ROCK, RECOVER, ½, ROCK |1, 2Large Step R back, drag L towards R |&3, 4Step L together, walk R fwd, walk L fwd |5, 6Rock R fwd, recover weight L |7, 8½ R step R fwd, rock L fwd (9.00) | |Section 4: RECOVER, ¼ FWD, FULL TURN, ¼ DRAG, TOGETHER, CROSS, SIDE |1, 2Recover weight R, ¼ L step L fwd (6.00) |3, 4½ L step R back, ½ L step L fwd (6.00) |5, 6¼ L step R to R, drag L towards R (3.00) |&7, 8Step L together, cross R over L, step L to L | |Restart: Dance to count 16 on wall 5 then restart to 3 O’clock | |Finish: Dance to count 2 in section 4 then add a R ½ pivot | |Note: The version of this song used is from the from the album “Crazy nights”. There are other versions that do not fit. |Official Teach and Demo can be found at https://www.youtube.com/user/MrJbtalbot or by visiting my website www.jbtalbot.com | |Joshua Talbot: +61 407 533 616 jbtalbot@iinet.net.au www.jbtalbot.com | |Last Update: 5 Apr 2024 | | | |