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Linedance Portalen

Remember The Party  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Improver
Musik: Remember the Party - Mark Taylor      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Mathew Sinyard (UK) - April 2024

Intro: 16 Counts
|2 tags on walls 3 & 7.2 
|Section 1 Side Bumps, Ball Side Touch, Side Behind, Left Chasse.
|1 & 2Step right to side bumping hip right, bump hip left, bump hip right.
|& 3 4Step left beside right, step right to side, touch left beside right.
|5 6Step left to side, cross right behind left.
|7 & 8Step left to side, close right beside left, step left to side.
|Section 2 Cross Rock, Recover, Chasse ¼ Turn Right, Shuffle ½ Turn Right, Right Coaster Step.
|1 2Cross rock right over left, recover on to left.
|3 & 4Step right to side, close left beside right, ¼ turn right stepping forward on right.
|5 & 6¼ turn right stepping left to side, close right beside left, ¼ turn right stepping back on left.
|7 & 8Step back on right, close left beside right, step forward on right.
|Section 3 Toe Strut, Kick Ball Change, Toe Strut, Kick Ball Change.
|1 2Touch left toes forward, drop left heel down.
|3 & 4Kick right forward, step ball right beside left, step down on left.
|5 6Touch right toes forward, drop right heel down.
|7 & 8Kick left forward, step ball left beside right, step down on right.
|Section 4 Step Pivot ¼, Cross Shuffle, Hinge ½ Turn, Stomp Right, Stomp Left.
|1 2Step forward on left, pivot ¼ turn right.
|3 & 4Cross left over right, step right to side, cross left over right.
|5 6¼ turn left stepping back on right, ¼ turn left stepping left to side.
|7 8Stomp right beside left, stomp left beside right.
|*Tag 1* Danced at the end of wall 3:
|Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn, Stomp Right, Stomp Left.
|1 & 2Step back on right, close left towards right, step back on right.
|3 4Rock back on left, recover on to right.
|5 & 6¼ turn right stepping left to side, close right beside left, ¼ turn right stepping back on left.
|7 8Stomp right beside left, stomp left beside right.
|*Tag 2* Danced at the end of wall 7:
|2x Pivot ½ turns (or Right Rocking Chair).
|1 2 3 4Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left.
|*Ending: Wall 10 – Dance the following:
|Side Bumps, Ball Side Touch, Left Vine, Point.
|1 & 2Step right to side bumping hip right, bump hip left, bump hip right.
|& 3 4Step left beside right, step right to side, touch left beside right.
|5 6 7 8Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, point right to right side.
|Have Fun & Enjoy x. 😊
|Contact: - Mat@inlinewedance.co.uk Website: - inlinewendance.co.uk
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