Let's Go Dancing
Steps: 64 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Improver Musik: Take Me Out Dancing - Taylor-Rae Kunstner: Koreograf: Chrystel DURAND (FR) & Séverine Fillion (FR) - April 2022 Intro : 16 counts | |[1-8] WEAVE TO RIGHT, DWIGHTS STEPS, KICK DIAG R FORWARD |1-4Right to right, left cross behind right, right to right, left cross over right |5-7Swivel left heel to the right & Touch right toe next to left, Swivel left toe to the right & Touch right heel fwd, Swivel left heel to the right & Touch right toe next to left |8Swivel left toe to the right & right Kick diagonally right fwd | |[9-16] BEHIND SIDE CROSS, SCUFF, STOMP, 3 BOUNCES |1-4Right cross behind left, left to left, right cross over left, Scuff left |5Stomp left fwd |6-7-8Lift & Drop left heel x 3 (ending weight on left) | |[17-24] STEP ½ TURN STEP, CLAP, STEP ½ TURN STEP, CLAP |1-4Right step fwd, Turn 1/2 left (weight on left), right step fwd, Clap |5-8Left step fwd, Turn 1/2 right (weight on right), left step fwd, Clap | |[25-32] JAZZ BOX TOE STRUTING |1-4Right cross over left with toe strut, left toe strut back |5-8Toe Strut right to right side, Toe Strut left fwd | |[33-40] OUT OUT, HOLD, IN IN , HOLD , ELVIS KNEE |&1-2Right to right, left to left, Hold |&3-4Right in center, left next to right, Hold |5-8Turn alternating inwards right knee, left knee, right knee, left knee |* Restarts here walls 1 & 3 and Tag /restart wall 6 | |[41-48] STEP LOCK STEP SCUFF DIAG R FORWARD, STEP DIAG L FORWARD, TOUCH, STEP R BACK, TOUCH |1-4Right diagonally right fwd, left cross behind right, right diagonally right fwd, scuff left |5-6Left diagonally left fwd, Touch right next to left |7-8Right diagonally right back, Touch left next to right | |[49-56] STEP LOCK STEP SCUFF DIAG L FORWARD, STEP R FORWARD, TOUCH , ½ TURN L & STEP L FORWARD, TOUCH |1-4Left diagonally left fwd, right cross behind left, left diagonally left fwd, Scuff right |5-6Right fwd, Touch left next to right |7-8½ turn left stepping left fwd, Touch right next to left 6:00 | |[57-64] WALKS FORWARD (With ARMS UP) RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, L KICK , WALKS BACKWARD (With ARMS DOWN) LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, TOUCH |1-4Walks fwd on right, left, right, left kick fwd |(on this 4 counts, raise your arms upwards) |5-8Walks back on left, right, left, Touch right next to left |(on this 4 counts, put your arms down) | |Restarts : On walls 1 (at 12:00) and 3 (at 6:00), dance 40 counts then Restart at the beginning. |Tag : On wall 6 (at 6:00), danse 40 counts, the add this 4 counts : ELVIS KNEE and Restart at the beginning |1-4Turn alternating inwards right knee, left knee, right knee, left knee | |ENJOY & HAVE FUN ! | | | | |