Hold My Hand Improver
Steps: 48 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Improver Musik: Hold My Hand - Lady Gaga Kunstner: Koreograf: Joshua Talbot (AUS) & Alison Johnstone (AUS) - May 2022 Intro: Start on the word “HAND” -10 seconds |NB – This dance works EXACTLY on the floor with the Intermediate dance it simply takes out BOTH 1 ¼ turns at the end – EVERYONE on the floor together !!!! | |Section 1: STEP, SWEEP, STEP SWEEP |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, Sweep R from back to front for 2 counts |4, 5, 6Step R fwd, Sweep L from back to front for 2 counts | |Section 2: 3/8 FALL AWAY DIAMOND FORWARD (7.30) |1, 2, 3Cross L over R, 1/8 step R back, step L back (10.30) |4, 5, 6Step R back, 1/8 L step L to L, 1/8 L step R fwd (7.30) |*** Restart here during walls 4, 8 & 11. Simply restart dance 1/8 over Left see below*** | |Section 3: STEP HITCH, BACK DRAG |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, slowly bring R knee up to a slight hitch position for 2 counts |4, 5, 6Step R back, drag L toe towards R for 2 counts | |Section 4: FWD, ½, BACK, COASTER (1.30) |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, ½ L slightly step R back, step L back (1.30) |4, 5, 6Step R back, step L together, step R slightly fwd | |Section 5: STEP, POINT 1/8, HOLD, ¼ BACK, TOGETHER, CROSS (3.00) |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, 1/8 L point R toe to R side, HOLD (12.00) |4, 5, 6¼ R step R back, step L together, step R over L (3.00) | |Section 6: SWAY, SWAY (Hug your body during this section) |1, 2, 3Step L to L swaying Hips L |4, 5, 6Recover weight R swaying hips R | |Section 7: ¼ BASIC FWD, 1/4 R STEP, TOUCH, HOLD (3.00) |1, 2, 3¼ L step L fwd, step R together, step L together (12.00) |4, 5, 61/4 R step R fwd, L touch L toe to L side, HOLD | |Section 8: BASIC FWD, SLOW PIVOT (9.00) |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, step R together, step L together (3.00) |4, 5, 6Step R fwd, ½ L keeping for 2 counts keeping weight on R foot | |**Tags: End wall 2 facing 6 & End wall 6 facing 3: |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, bring R up behind L into position 4, hold |4, 5, 6Step R back, drag L towards R, hook L in front of R | |**Restarts: Wall 4 restart facing 9, Wall 8 restart facing 6, & Wall 11 restart facing 6: |Dance to count 12 (end section 2) |Simply straighten up 1/8 over L to restart the dance | |**Ending: You will be facing 3 on count 27 (1/8 point R toe to side, hold) |1, 2, 3Step R behind L, ¼ L step L fwd, step R fwd |4, 5, 6Step L fwd, drag R towards L for 2 counts | |Joshua Talbot: +61 407 533 616 jbtalbot@iinet.net.au www.jbtalbot.com |Alison Johnstone: +61 404 445 076 alison@nulinedance.com www.nulinedance.com | |Last Update: 12 May 2022 | | | |