Thanks For The Memories
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: Memories - Dean Lewis : (Amazon and iTunes) Kunstner: Koreograf: Alison Johnstone (AUS) & Claire Cherry (AUS) - May 2024 TAG: End of Wall 2 Facing Front add Walk Walk |Restarts: 1 Restart Facing 6.00 after 16 Counts During Wall 5 With Change of Step |Music: Memories by Dean Lewis iTunes / Amazon. (Approx 3:06 mins) |Intro: 8 counts on Lyrics “See The Day” | |[1 – 8] 1/8 R STEP R HITCH, ROCK, RECOVER (&), BACK DRAG, BACK, ½ L STEP L (&), PUSH POSITION 4, PUSH BACK L SWEEP, 1/8 BEHIND, 1/8 SIDE (&), FORWARD (4.30) |1 2&1/8 over R step R fwd hitching L, Rock fwd on L, Recover R (&) (1.30) |3 4&Step back on L dragging R, Step back on R, ½ over L step fwd on L (&) (7.30) |5 6Push fwd on R with L into position 4, Recover L with sweep |7&81/8 over L step R behind, 1/8 over L step L side (&), Step fwd R (4.30) | |[9 – 16] ½ LOOK BACK OVER L, RECOVER, ½ PIVOT R, LOCK STEP, ½ PIVOT L, ½, ½, ½, ½ (4.30) |1 2Transfer weight to L looking back over L shoulder, Recover R |&3 4&5Step L fwd (&), Pivot ½ over R, Step L fwd, Lock R behind L (&), Step L fwd (10.30) |6&Step R fwd, Pivot ½ over L (&) (4.30) |7&8&½ over L step back R, ½ over L step L fwd (&), ½ over L step back R, ½ over L step L fwd (&) (4.30) |NB – You may simply run fwd with 4 small steps, or ½, ½, then run run if you do not wish to double spin |*** RESTART here on Wall 5 FACING 6.00 with Step Change*** | |[17 – 24] 1/8 SCISSOR STEP, ¼ L, ½, ½ (&), PRESS R, BACK DRAG, BACK DRAG, BACK, 3/8 (&) (4.30) |1 2&1/8 over L to face 3.00 with side step R, Step L together (&), Cross R over L (3.00) |3 4&5¼ over L step L fwd, ½ over L step back R, ½ over L step fwd L (&), Press fwd on R (12.00) |6 7Step back L dragging R, Step back R dragging L |8&Step back L, 3/8 over R step fwd R (&) (4.30) | |[25 – 32] ROCK FORWARD, RECOVER, TOGETHER (&), ROCK BACK, RECOVER, 3/8 BACK (&), ROCK BACK, RECOVER, SIDE ROCK (&), RECOVER, CROSS (&), HINGE ¼, HINGE ¼ (&) (6.00) |1 2&Rock fwd on L, Recover R, Step L together (&) |3 4&Rock fwd on R, Recover L, 3/8 over L step back on R (&) (12.00) |5 6Rock back on L, Recover on R |&7&8&Rock L to side (&), Recover R, Cross L over R (&), ¼ over L step back R, ¼ over L step R side (6.00) | |*** EASY TAG end wall 2 facing 12.00 – (WALK, WALK) *** | |TAG: End wall 2 facing 12.00 – Walk Forward R, Walk Forward L | |RESTART: During Wall 5 on 7&8& double spin, on counts 8& turn 1/8 and 1/8 over R to end at 6.00 |If not spinning then run 2 small steps forward then two small steps to 6.00 | |We hope you enjoy this lovely flowing dance to this beautiful song sent to me by June Tilson (Perth). |Claire also loved it so here we are ;-) We hope you enjoy our new dance | |Contact: |Alison Johnstone - +61 404 445 076 alison@nulinedance.com |Claire Cherry - +61 403 136 549 claire@cherrysteppers.com.au | | | |