Stop In The Name Of Love
Steps: 62 Vægge: 1 Niveau: Phrased Low Advanced Musik: Stop (Edit) - Sam Brown Kunstner: Koreograf: Raymond Sarlemijn (NL) & Roy Verdonk (NL) - May 2024 Sequence: A, A, B, A, B*, A*, A**, B**, A end 32C (A), 32C (A), 30C (B), 32C (A), 22C (B), 26C (A), 16C (A), 20C (B), 21C (A) |Intro: 16 Counts (appr. 15 seconds into music) | |PART A - 32 counts |SEC 1 BEHIND HITCH, WEAVE, TOUCH IN-OUT-IN SIDE, CROSS 1/8L -BACK 1/4L -SIDE, FORWARD AND HITCH, STEP BACK AND 1/2R FLICK BACK |1Cross L behind R, Hitch R from front to back |2&a3Step R behind L, Step L to side, Cross R over L, Step L to side |4&a5Touch R next to L, Touch R to side, Touch R next to L, Step R to side |6&a7Cross L over R, 1/8L Step back R, 1/4L Step L to side, Step R fwd and hitch L fwd (7:30) |8&Step L back, 1/2R with flick R behind (1:30) | |SEC 2 ROCK FORWARD/ RECOVER, BALL STEP BACK, FULL TURN RIGHT, MODIFIED JAZZ BOX WITH CROSS ROCK, 1/4R FORWARD, 1/4R SIDE FLICK |1Rock/Body roll fwd with R (1:30) |2&3Recover back on L, Close R together, Step L back (Prep for full turn) |4&5Step R fwd, 1/2R Step L back, 1/2R Step R fwd with sweep L to front |6&a7Cross L over R, Step R back, Step L to side, Cross Rock R (12:00) |8&a1Recover on L (A**), 1/4R step R fwd, 1/4R Step L to side, Flick R behind (6:00) | |SEC 3 1/4R R FORWARD, 1/2 R L BACK, R BACK AND HOOK L, FORWARD L, 1/4 L, SIDE R AND L BACK AND HOOK, FULL TURN RIGHT, PRISSY WALKS |2&31/4R Step R fwd, 1/2R Step L back, Step R back with hook L in front (3:00) |4&5Step L fwd, 1/4L Step R to side, Step L back with hook R in front (12:00) (End) |6&7Step R fwd, 1/2R Step L back, Step R fwd with sweep L to front |8 1Walk L fwd over R, walk R fwd over L | |SEC 4 MAMBO FORWARD L, BIG STEP BACK R AND DRAG L, BALL STEP FORWARD, RUN AROUND FULL CIRCLE LEFT AND KICK, CROSS, SIDE ROCK/ RECOVER |2&a3Rock L fwd, Recover on R (A*), Step L back, Big step R back and drag in L |4&5Hold, Close L together, Step R fwd |6&a7Run around full circle left L-R-L, Kick R fwd (12:00) |8&aCross R over L, Rock L to side, Recover on R | |PART B - 30 counts |SEC 1 SIDE, HOLD X3, DIAGONAL FORWARD AND TOUCH X2, DIAGONAL BACK AND TOUCH X2 |1Step R to side and raise R arm up with palm fwd (Stop) |2Pull down R arm with fist in front of chest |3 4Snap R fingers fwd twice |5&Step R fwd to R diagonal, Touch L next to R |6&Step L fwd to L diagonal, Touch R next to L |7&Step R back to R diagonal, Touch L next to R |8&Step L back to L diagonal, Touch R next to L | |SEC 2 SIDE, HOLD X3, MODIFIED V STEP, SIDE SLIDE AND DRAG, HOLD X2 |1Step R to side and push both arms straight to side with palm out (Stop) and drop head down |2Drop down both arms to side at waist level and snap both fingers to each side in waist level |3 4Snap R fingers fwd twice |5Step R fwd to R diagonal and raise R arm up with palm open |&Step L fwd to L diagonal and raise L arm up with palm open |6Step R back in center and pull down R arm to side at waist level with palm open |&Touch L next to R and pull down L arm to side at waist level with palm open |7 8Slow slide L to side and put both hands on the heart, Drag in R touch next to L |9 10Hold hold (Hold extra 3 more counts and weight on R, B**) | |SEC 3 DIAGONAL FORWARD AND TOUCH X2, DIAGONAL BACK TOUCH X4, DIAGONAL FORWARD AND TOUCH X2 |1&Step R fwd to R diagonal, Touch L next to R |2&Step L fwd to L diagonal, Touch R next to L |3&Step R back to R diagonal, Touch L next to R |4&Step L back to L diagonal, Touch R next to L (B*) |5&Step R back to R diagonal, Touch L next to R |6&Step L back to L diagonal, Touch R next to L |7&Step R fwd to R diagonal, Touch L next to R |8&Step L fwd to L diagonal, Touch R next to L | |SEC 4 SIDE, HOLD, RUN AROUND FULL CIRCLE LEFT |1 2Step R to side, Hold |3&a4Run around full circle left L-R-L, Step R to side (12:00) | |Sequence: A, A, B, A, B*, A*, A**, B**, A end | |Restarts: |B* On the 2nd B, dance up to 22 counts (SEC 3 after 4&, restart Part A) |A* On the 4th A, dance up to 26 counts (SEC 4 after 2&, restart Part A) |A** On the 5th A, dance up to 16 counts (SEC 2 after 8, restart Part B) |B** On the 3rd B, dance up to 16 counts (SEC 2 after 16, weight on R and hold 4 more counts, restart Part A) |A Dance up to 20 count, change to no hook on count 21 and raise both arms to side | | | |