Rolling In The Deep
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Improver Musik: Rolling in the Deep - Adele Kunstner: Koreograf: Jessica Hume (USA) & John Hume (USA) - May 2024 #40 count intro, start after the first acapella verse when the hard bass beat begins |No Tags, No Restarts | |S1: 4x Knee Pops, Out-Out-In-Cross, Full Untwist |1,2,3,4Knee pops forward, stepping R-L-R-L |&5&6Stepping out to the sides “out-out” (R-L), step R back to center, cross L over R (even weight) |7,8Full turn untwist over R shoulder, ending up facing 12:00 (front) weight on L foot | |S2: 2x Hip Sways, 4x Box Slides |1,2Step R to R side, hip sway out to R |3,4Step L to L side, hip sway out to L |5,6,7,8Four big slides to the side, while turning ¼ on each step making the outline of a box (slide R @ 12:00, slide L @ 9:00, slide R @ 6:00, slide L @ 3:00) | |S3: Slow Weave, Sink/Lean on Right |1,2,3,4Turning to front, stepping to the right R-L-R-L in side-behind-side-cross format |5-8Step out to the right while sinking down/leaning back on the right (style with hands in the air, hip rolls etc) | |S4: 2x Walk, Triple Step, Pivot ½ Turn, Push Full Turn |1,2Two walking steps toward front left diagonal L-R (10:00) |3&4Triple step forward still on 10:00 diagonal L-R-L |5,6Pivot turn to the back over left shoulder stepping forward on diagonal R (10:00), then stepping forward on L to 6:00 |7,8Continuing from 6:00, make a full turn over left shoulder with left foot planted using right foot to push twice, end facing 6:00 with weight still on L ready to start the dance again! | |This dance was designed with places for people to add style, sass, and make it their own! | |Created 05/18/2024 |Submitted by Jessica Hume & John Hume – jjhume@pm.me |Updated 05/27/2024 | | | |