Kiss Me Ez
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Beginner Musik: Kiss Me - Dermot Kennedy Kunstner: Koreograf: Sue Wellesley-Davies (NZ) & Kirston Cox (NZ) - June 2024 Start the dance after 16 counts. |NO TAGS, NO RESTARTS | |Section 1 – STEP L FWD, TOUCH R BEHIND, STEP R BACK, TOUCH L IN FRONT, STEP L BACK, TOUCH R IN FRONT, STEP R FWD, TOUCH L BESIDE R |1-4Step L forward, touch R toe behind L, step R back, touch L in front of R |5 -8Step L back, touch R toe in front of L, step R forward, touch L beside R | |Section 2 – VINE L, ¼ TURN L, HOLD, STEP FORWARD R, ½ PIVOT TURN L, WALK FWD (R, L) |1-4Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side making a quarter turn over L shoulder, hold |5-8Step R forward, make a half turn over L shoulder changing weight to L, step R forward, step L forward | |Section 3 – NIGHTCLUB R, NIGHT CLUB L |1-4Step R to R side, drag L to R, step L back behind R, recover weight on R |5-8Step L to L side, drag R to L, step R back behind L, recover weight on L | |Section 4 – STEP ¼ TURN R, TOUCH L, SIDE STEP L, TOUCH R, STEP RIGHT & SWAY R, L, R, TOUCH L |1-4Step R to R side making a quarter turn over R shoulder, touch L beside R, step L to L side, touch R beside L |5-8Step R to R side moving weight to R, move weight to L, move weight to R, touch L beside R | |Choreographed for and taught at the Bay of Islands Line Dance Festival in New Zealand. | |Contact: |countryheartbeatdance@xtra.co.nz or suewd@xtra.co.nz |downtowncountrylinedance@gmail.com or kirst1975@hotmail.com | | | |