It Must Be Love
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Beginner Musik: It Must Be Love - Alan Jackson Kunstner: Koreograf: Karolina Ullenstav (SWE) - February 2018 Intro: 32 counts, BPM 112 | |Tag after wall 2 |Tag: 2 counts (2 hip bumps) | |Section 1: Steps and shuffle steps forward, rock step forward, recover, turn ¼ left, steps left, step in place |1RF step forward (facing 12.00) |2LF step forward |3RF step forward |&LF step beside RF |4RF step forward |5LF rock step forward |6Recover onto RF (weight on RF) |7Turn ¼ left on ball of RF and step LF left (facing 09.00) |&RF step beside LF |8LF step in place | |Section 2: Weave left and right ending each time with a point step to the side |1RF step in front of LF |2LF step left |3RF step behind LF |4LF point left |5LF step in front of RF |6RF step right |7LF step behind RF |8RF point right | |Section 3: Step turn ½ left, shuffle steps forward, rock step forward, recover, coaster step |1RF step forward |2RF turn ½ left ending with weight on LF (facing 03.00) |3RF step forward |&LF step beside RF |4RF step forward |5LF rock step forward |6Recover onto RF (weight on RF) |7LF step back |&RF step beside LF |8LF step forward | |Section 4: Monterey with a ¼ turn right x 2 |1RF point right |2Turn ¼ right on ball of LF and step RF beside LF ending with weight on RF (facing 06.00) |3LF point left |4LF step beside RF |5RF point right |6Turn ¼ right on ball of LF and step RF beside LF ending with weight on RF (facing 09.00) |7LF point left |8LF step beside RF | |Have Fun! | |Contact: karolina.ullenstav@ideboxen.se | | | |