Little Cherry
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Easy Beginner Musik: Little Cherry - Paul Paljett : (Album: At Your Service) Kunstner: Koreograf: Pia Rossen (DK) - July 2024 Intro: 20 count, weight on L foot |*1 easy tag, see below* | |(1-8) R CHASSE, L BACK ROCK, L CHASSE, R BACK ROCK |1&2step R to R side (1), step L next to R (&), step R to R side (2) |3-4step L back (3), recover onto R (4) |5&6step L to L side (5), step R next to L (&), step L to L side |7-8step R back (7), recover onto L (8) | |(9-16) SHUFFLE FWD R + L, STEP TURN 1/2 L, WALK WALK |1&2step R fwd (1), step L next to R (&) step R fwd (2) |3&4step L fwd (3), step R next to R (&), step L fwd (4) |5-6step R fwd (5), turn 1/2 L (6) |7-8step R fwd (7), step L fwd (8) | |(17-24) CROSS POINT x 2, JAZZBOX 1/4 R |1-2cross R over L (1), point L toe to L side (2) |3-4cross L over R (3), point R toe to R side (4) |5-6cross R over L (5), turn 1/4 R stepping back on to L (6) |7-8step R to R side (7), step L next to R (8) | |(25-32) K-STEP |1-2step R fwd on R diagonal (1), touch L toe next to R (2) |3-4step L back diagonal (3), touch R toe next to L (4) |5-6step R back diagonal (5), touch L toe next to R (6) |7-8step L fwd on L diagonal, (7), touch R toe next to L (8) | |start again | |* TAG:after wall 7, ( starts 6.00, tag happens 3.00 ) |( 1-4) SIDE TOUCH R&L |1-2step R to R side (1), touch L toe next to R (2) |3-4step L to L side (3), touch R toe next to L (4) | |ENDING: WALL 14 is the last wall. |Dance 16 count, step R fwd turn 1/4 L, cross R over L ( now facing 12.00) | |Contact : piahrossen@jubiimail.dk | |Last Update: 7 Jul 2024 | | | |