Chasing Amarillo
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: High Beginner Musik: Why Dallas - ERNEST & Lukas Nelson Kunstner: Koreograf: Rob Williams (USA) - August 2024 INTRO: 32 counts (approx. 20 sec into track) | |There are no tags. No restarts. | |Sec 1: LONG STEP, SLIDE, POINT L, TOGETHER, BACK, HOOK, R FWD, L FWD, HITCH |1-2Long step R to R side, Slide L beside R |3&4Point L to left side, Return L next to R, Step L back |5-6Hook R foot in front of L knee, Step R fwd |7-8Step L fwd, Hitch R knee fwd | |Sec 2: R BACK, L BACK, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, CROSS, TOE DIG, HEEL TAP, (START L VINE) SIDE, BEHIND |1-2Step R back, Step L back, |3&4Rock R to R, Recover weight on L, Cross R over L |5-6Tap L toe on floor as you rotate L leg internally, Tap L heel fwd |7-8Step L to L side, Step R behind L | |Sec 3: (FINISH VINE) SIDE, CROSS, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, CROSS, CHARLESTON |1-2Step L to L side, Cross R over L |3&4Rock L to L, Recover weight on R, Cross L over R |5-6Touch R fwd, Step R back |7-8Touch L back, Step L fwd | |Sec 4: FWD, LEFT ½ PIVOT, FWD, LEFT ½ PIVOT, ¼ RIGHT JAZZ BOX |1-2Step R fwd, Pivot ½ turn over left shoulder onto left foot (6:00) |3-4Step R fwd, Pivot ½ turn over left shoulder onto left foot (12:00) |5-8Step R across L, Step L back, Step R to R making ¼ R turn (3:00), Step L fwd | |[REPEAT SEC 1-4] | |ENDING: (Optional) The 7th Wall starts facing 6:00 and ends facing 9:00 with 8 counts remaining in the track. You might choose to add a Charleston (1-4) followed by R fwd, left ½ pivot, R fwd, left ¼ pivot (5-8) to end the dance facing 12:00. | | | |