Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Beginner Musik: Espresso - Sabrina Carpenter Kunstner: Koreograf: Amy Christian (USA) - August 2024 SIDE MAMBO X 2, ROCKING CHAIR, |1&2Rock R out to right side, Recover on L, Step R next to L (R side Mambo), |3&4Rock L out to left side, Recover on R, Step L next to R (L Side Mambo), |5-8Rock forward on R, Recover on L, Rock back on R, Recover on L, | |KICKBALL CHANGE X 2, V-STEP, |1&2Kick R forward, Step back on ball of R, Step L forward, |3&4Kick R forward, Step back on ball of R, Step L forward, |5-8Step R forward at right diagonal, Step L out to left side, Step R back, Step L next to R, | |SIDE, TOUCH BEHIND, CHASSE, SIDE, TOUCH BEHIND, CHASSE, |1-2Step R to right side, Touch L behind R as you look right & snap fingers to the right side, |3&4Step L to left side, Step R next to L, Step L to left side (looking forward), |5-6Step R to right side, Touch L behind R as you look right & snap fingers to the right side, |7&8Step L to left side, Step R next to L, Step L to left side (looking forward), | |FORWARD MAMBO, BACK MAMBO, ¼ JAZZBOX WITH A CROSS, |1&2Rock R forward, Recover on L, Step R next to L (Forward Mambo), |3&4Rock back on L, Recover on R, Step L next to R (Back Mambo), |5-8Step R across L, ¼ turn right stepping L back, Step R to right side, Step L across R, [3:00] |(Easy option for 5-8 Do a regular ¼ Jazz Box stepping L together or forward, without the cross over.) | |Start over! | |*TAG – There’s an 8 count Tag that happens facing 12 ‘o clock, right after wall 4. |R MAMBO, L MAMBO, PRETEND TO DRINK YOUR ESPRESSO. |1&2Rock R out to right side, Recover on L, Step R next to L, |3&4Rock L out to left side, Recover on R, Step L next to R, |5-6Place L hand flat like a saucer, pretend to pick up your tea cup with R hand, |7-8Tip up your imaginary tea cup like you are drinking it, Place imaginary tea cup on saucer. |(Or just do an 8 count RESTART). | | | |