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Linedance Portalen

Baby Can I Hold You?  

Steps: 38             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Intermediate
Musik: Baby Can I Hold You - Tracy Chapman      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Glynn Rodgers (UK) - August 2024

[1-9] Basic Right, Side, Cross, Unwind Full Turn, Sway Right, Close, ⅛ Step, Mambo ½ Turn
|1-2&Step right to right side, rock back on left, recover weight on to right.
|3-4&Step left to left side, cross right over left, unwind full turn changing weight to left foot.
|5-6-7Sway hips right, step left beside right, turn ⅛ left stepping right forward/across left (10.30).
|8&1Rock forward left, recover weight onto right, turn ½ left stepping forward left (4.30).
|Styling option: On chorus walls, cross your arms across your chest on count 7 and hold there for count 8. She will sing 'Baby, Can I' as you sway for counts 5-6 and then 'hold you' on counts 7-8. Drop your arms as she says tonight for count 9.
|[10-16] Step, Triple Full Turn, Quick Rock, Run Back, Press, Recover ¼ Turn.
|2Step forward forward right prepping to turn right.
|3&4Triple full turn right stepping - left-right-left. (or shuffle forward left)
|5&Rock forward on to right foot, recover weight on to left.
|6&Run back right-left.
|7Press back on to ball of right foot starting to turn right.
|8Recover weight onto left completing ¼ turn right (7.30).
|Styling option: Sway/push your shoulders right on counts 7 looking back under your right shoulder.
|[17-25] Cross ⅛ Turn, Hinge ¼ Cross, Side, Cross, Lunge, Recover ¼ Turn, ¼ Side, Back Rock & Side.
|1Turn ⅛ right crossing right over left (9.00)
|2&3Turn ¼ right stepping back left, step right to right side, cross left over right (12:00).
|4&Step right to right side, cross left over right. (or make full turn over left shoulder stepping right-left)
|5-6Lunge right to right side, recover weight on to left turning ¼ left (9:00)
|7Turn ¼ left taking large step to right side (6:00)
|8&1Rock left behind right, recover weight on to right, step left to left side.
|Styling option: Extend/reach your right hand out to the right side looking towards 3:00 on count 5.
|[26-32] Weave ¼ Turn, Walk Forward, Mambo ½ Turn, Mambo ½ Turn.
|2&Cross right behind left, turn ¼ left stepping forward left (3:00)
|3-4Walk forward right-left. (Prissy walks if you prefer)
|5&6Rock forward right dipping slightly, recover weight on to left, turn ½ right stepping forward right. (9.00).
|7&8Rock forward left dipping slightly, recover weight on to right, turn ½ left stepping forward left (3:00).
|Replace counts 5-8 with a mambo forward and back to remove turns.
|*Restart here on Wall 3 - Start wall 3 facing 12:00 and restart facing 12:00 after count 32.
|*Restart here on Wall 5 - Start wall 5 facing 6:00 and restart facing 6:00 after count 32.
|[33-38] ¼ Nightclub Right, Hinge ½ Turn, Cross, Sways.
|1-2&Turn ¼ left stepping right to right side (12:00), rock back left, recover weight on to right.
|3-4&Turn ¼ right stepping back left (3:00), turn ¼ right stepping side right (6:00), cross left over right.
|5-6Sway right, sway left hitching knee slightly.
|Big thanks to Carol Barnett for her help with this one!
|Last Update: 6 Aug 2024
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