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Linedance Portalen

Oh, I Do!  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Improver
Musik: I Do - Andy Grammer & Maddie & Tae      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Michelle Wright (USA) - August 2024

Dance starts 2 counts in on the word “flaws”
|Restart on wall 5 after 16 counts and 4 count tag end of wall 11
|*Choreographed for the New England Line dance Showstopper 2024
|Section 1: Side, ⅛ Sailor w/ heel, Hold, Step, touch, Back, Heel, Cross rock, Recover
|1,2&3Step R to R side, Cross L behind R, Step R to R side, ⅛ turn L placing L heel into L diagonal (angled to 10:30)
|4&5Hold, Step L in place, Touch R next to L (10:30)
|&6&Step R back, Place L heel into L diagonal, Step L next to R (10:30)
|7,8Cross rock R over L, ⅛ Recover on L (12:00)
|Section 2: Chasse, Cross Rock, Recover, ¼, ½, ½ forward shuffle
|1&2Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side
|3,4Cross rock L over R, Recover on R
|5,6¼ turn L stepping L forward, ½ turn L stepping R back (3:00)
|7&8½ turn L stepping R forward, Step R next to L, Step L forward (9:00)
|Restart here wall 5 (Facing 9:00)
|Section 3: Rock, ½ shuffle, Rock, Coaster step
|1,2Rock R forward, Recover on L
|3&4¼ turn R stepping R to R side, step L next to R, ¼ turn R stepping R forward (3:00)
|5,6Rock L forward, Recover on R
|7&8Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L into L diagonal slightly angling body to the L
|Section 4: Cross, Back, Back, Cross, Back, ¼ , ¼, Together
|1,2,3Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R back in to R back diagonal body open to R
|4,5,6Cross L over R, Step R back, 1/4 turn L stepping L to L side (12:00)
|7,8¼ turn L Stepping R forward, Step L next to R (9:00)
|(Styling counts 6,7: These turns can be slightly more or less then ¼ each: In total you make a ½ turn over the 2 counts so use them how you wish)
|Tag end of wall 11: ¾ walk around to the left (3:00 -> 6:00)
|1,2¼ turn L stepping R forward, ¼ turn L stepping L forward
|3,4¼ turn L stepping R forward, Step L next to R (6:00)
|Ending: Dance ends facing 12:00 finishing wall 13 : Step R to R side as you bring your hands over you heart R hand over L. Slightly lean to R as you look slightly to the R
|End of dance!
|Any questions and non turning options email Michellelinedance@gmail.com
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