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Linedance Portalen

So Kiss Me  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Easy Improver
Musik: Kiss Me - Dermot Kennedy      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Peirina Svensson (SWE) & Emma Johansson (SWE) - February 2024

Intro: 8 counts NO TAG NO RESTART!! You’re welcome!
|Sec 1. Side, touch, Kick ball cross, side behind, chasse ¼ turn right
|1 2Step Lf to L side, touch Rf beside Lf
|3&4Kick Rf forward, step Rf next to Lf, Cross LF over Rf
|56Step Rf to R side, step Lf behind Rf
|7&8Turn ¼ to right and step Rf forward, step Lf next to Rf, step Rf forward
|Sec 2. Step turn ½, chasse ¼ turn left, weave
|1 2Step Lf forward, turn ½ right (weight ends on Rf)
|3&4Step Lf ¼ to left and step Rf beside Lf, step Lf to left side
|5 6Step Rf behind Lf, step Lf to right side
|7 8Cross Rf over Lf, step Lf to the side
|Sec 3. Rock back on R, step turn ¼ left, sweep R, cross shuffle
|1 2Rock back on Rf, recover onto Lf
|3 4Step Rf forward, make ¼ turn to left and step onto Lf
|5 6Step forward on Rf, sweep with Lf from back to front
|7&8Triple to the side L R L
|Sec 4. Figure of eight, behind side cross
|1 2Step Rf to roght side, step Lf behind Rf
|3 4Turn ¼ to R step Rf forward, step Lf forward
|5 6Turn ½ to right,weight ends on Rf , turn ¼ to right step onto Lf
|7&8Step Rf behind Lf, step Lf to the side, cross Rf over Lf
|At the end of 32 counts, make ¼ turn to right stepping back on Lf facing 12 o`clock
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