Dive Bar Rock Star
Steps: 64 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: Tonk ‘Til I Die - Randall King : (Album: Into the Neon - iTunes) Kunstner: Koreograf: Evan VanScoyk (USA) & Rob Holley (USA) - August 2024 Tags: 1, Restarts: 2 |Intro: 16 counts (See note below) | |[1-8] CROSS STRUT, BACK STRUT, STEP SIDE, CROSS, STEP SIDE, TOUCH HEEL FOWARD |1-4Cross R toe over L (1), drop R heel down (2), step L toe back (3), drop L heel down (4) |5-8step R to R side (5), cross L over R (6), step R to R side (7), touch L heel forward (8) | |[9-16] STEP SIDE, CROSS, STEP SIDE, TOUCH HEEL FORWARD, POINT BACK, HOLD, REVERSE ½ PIVOT, HOLD |1-4Step L next to R (1), cross R over L (2), step L to L side (3), touch R heel forward (4) |5-8Point/touch R toe back (5), hold (6), reverse ½ pivot R (7), hold (8) (6:00) | |[17-24] HOP LEFT, HOLD, ¼ TURN RIGHT & HOP RIGHT, HOLD, POINT TOE OUT/IN/OUT/IN |&1-2Hop L to L side (&), touch R next to L (1), hold (2) |&3-4Turn ¼ R & op R to R side (&), touch L next to R (3), hold (4) (3:00) |5-8Point L to L side (5), touch L next to R (6), point L to L side (7), touch L next to R (8) | |[25-32] ¼ TURN VINE LEFT, ROCKING CHAIR |1-4Step L to L side (1), step R behind L (2), turn ¼ L & step L forward (3), brush/scuff R next to L (4) (6:00) |5-8Rock R forward (5), recover weight on L (6), rock R back (7), recover weight on L (8) | |*Start of TAG. See note below* |[33-40] SLOW ½ PIVOT (2X) |1-4Step R forward (1), hold (2), pivot ½ turn L (3), hold (4) (12:00) |5-8Step R forward (5), hold (6), pivot ½ turn L (7), hold (8) (6:00) | |[41-48] HEEL SWITCHES, ½ TURN JAZZ BOX |1-4Touch R heel forward (1), step R next to L (2), touch L heel forward (3), step L next to R (4) |*Restart #1 here on wall 2, facing 6:00* |5-8Cross R over L (5), turn ¼ R & step L back (6), turn ¼ R & step R to R side (7), step L forward (8) (12:00) | |[49-56] HEEL SWITCHES, CROSS, HOLD, SIDE, HOLD |1-4Touch R heel forward (1), step R next to L (2), touch L heel forward (3), step L next to R (4) |*End of TAG. See note below. Also, restart #2 here on wall 5, facing 6:00* |5-8Cross R over L (5), hold (6), step L to L side (7), hold (8) | |[57-64] BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS, POINT, CROSS, ¼ TURN STEP, ¼ TURN STEP, BRUSH |1-4Step R behind L (1), step L to L side (2), Cross R over L (3), point L to L side (4) |5-8Cross L over R (5), turn ¼ L & step R back (6), turn ¼ L & step L to L side (7), brush R next to L (8) (6:00) | |NOTE: The intro is 16 counts (approximately 9 seconds into the song on the lyrics “I’m a dive bar”) and you begin the dance with the TAG. The TAG is 20 counts long and consists of steps [33-52] of the main dance. At the end of the TAG begin the dance from count [1] on the back (6:00) wall. | |Sequence: Tag, 64, 44 (restart #1), 64, 64, 52 (restart #2), 64, 64 | |Contact: Evan – evanvans001@hotmail.com |Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EvanVChoreography/ |YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EvanVanScoyk | |Contact: Rob - holleyrp1966@gmail.com |Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeamHolleyLineDancing/ |Twitter: https://twitter.com/THLineDancing/ |MeWe: https://mewe.com/p/TeamHolleyLineDancing/ |YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TeamHolleyLineDancing | | | |