Straight Line Ez
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Easy Beginner Musik: Straight Line - Keith Urban Kunstner: Koreograf: Sue Wellesley-Davies (NZ) & Kirston Cox (NZ) - August 2024 Intro: 32 counts | |Section 1: R DIAGONAL FWD TAP, BACK TAP, VINE RIGHT |1-4Step R forward on a slight R diagonal, tap L foot next to R, step L foot back, tap R foot next to L foot |5-8Step R foot to R, step behind with L foot, step R foot to R, tap L foot beside R | |Section 2: L DIAGONAL FWD TAP, BACK TAP, VINE LEFT WITH ¼ TURN, SCUFF |1-4Step L forward on a slight L diagonal, tap R foot next to L, step R foot back, tap L foot next to R foot |5-8Step L foot to L, step R behind L, step L into a ¼ L turn, scuff the R foot forward | |Section 3: R HEEL TAPS FWD X 2, R TOE TAPS BACK X 2, ¼ TURN L, R HEEL, TOE, HEEL, TOE |1-4Tap R heel forward twice, then tap R toe back twice |&5-8Making a ¼ L turn on ball of L foot tap R heel forward, tap R toe back, tap R heel forward, tap R toe back (6:00) | |Section 4: STEP, KICK, STEP, TAP X 2 |1-4Step forward on R foot, kick L foot forward, step back onto L foot, tap R beside L |5-8Step forward on R foot, kick L foot forward, step back onto L foot, tap R beside L | |Ending: The dance finishes facing the back – |On the last wall, dance up to count 30 and the music fades – cross R foot over L and unwind a ½ turn over L shoulder to finish at the front. | |*1 step change & restart after 16 counts of wall 5 – vine to L and take out the ¼ turn and scuff, tap R beside L and re-start to the front. | |Easy enough for AB even with 1 restart! | |Contact: countryheartbeatdance@xtra.co.nz | | | |