Before I Let You Go
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Improver Musik: Before I Let You Go (feat. MarcLo) - CYRIL Kunstner: Koreograf: Alexis Strong (UK) & Caroline Cooper (UK) - September 2024 Three Restarts |Intro 16 Count | |SECTION 1 1/4 TURN MONTERAY, SIDE ROCK CROSS, SIDE, BEHIND, CHASSE |1-2Point R to R side, ¼ turn R closing R next to L |3&4Rock L to L side, recover to R, cross L over R |5-6Step R to R side, cross L behind |*THIRD RESTART HERE WALL 8 |7&8Step R to R side, close L next to R, step R to R side (3) | |SECTION 2 CROSS, UNWIND, KICK, COASTER STEP, WALK, WALK, SHUFFLE |1-2Cross L over R, ½ turn unwind, kick R fwd |3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R fwd |5-6Walk fwd L & R |7&8Step L fwd, close R next to L, step L fwd (9) |*FIRST RESTART HERE DURING WALL 2 |*SECOND RESTART HERE DURING WALL 5 | |SECTION 3 ROCK, RECOVER, BALL HEEL, & STEP, ROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE ½ TURN |1-2Rock R fwd, recover L |&3&4Step R back, tap L heel fwd, step L next to R, step fwd R |5-6Rock L fwd, recover R |7&8¼ turn L stepping L to L side, close R next to L, ¼ turn L stepping L fwd (3) | |SECTION 4 CROSS, BACK, BALL CROSS SIDE, BACK ROCK, SHUFFLE |1-2Cross R over L, step back L |&3-4Step R to R side, cross L over R, step R to R side |5-6Rock back L, recover R |7&8Step L fwd, close R next to L, step L fwd (3) | |RESTART INFO |RESTARTS ONE DURING WALL 2 AFTER 16 |RESTART TWO DURING WALL FIVE AFTER 16 |RESTART THREE DURING WALL 8 AFTER 6 | |Contact details |Caroline Cooper Email linedancersoflinthorpe@outlook.com |Alexis Strong Email alexisteresa04@yahoo.co.uk | | | |