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Die With A Smile  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Advanced - Rolling Count
Musik: Die With A Smile - Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars : (Album: Die With A Smile, on iTunes, Spotify & Amazon)      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Simon Ward (AUS) - August 2024

Start dance on vocals (8 counts into)
|[1-8] Cross R & sweep L, Weave R, Rock R, ¼ L, R twinkle, Cross L & sweep R, Weave L, L side & touch
|1-2&aStep R across L and slightly fwd sweeping L fwd, Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Step L behind R 12.00
|3-4Rock R to R side, Recover weight onto L turning ¼ L sweeping R fwd 9.00
|5&aCross/step R over L, Rock/step L to L side, Recover weight onto R 9.00
|6Cross/step L over R sweeping R fwd 9.00
|7&aCross/step R over L, Step L to L side, Step R behind L 9.00
|8Step L to L side dragging R next to L 9.00
|[9-16] ¼ R fwd R, sweep L, L fwd & point R, R&L fwd w sweeps, weave L w touch, rolling vine R sweep L
|1-2Turn ¼ R stepping R fwd sweeping L fwd into1/8 R, Step L fwd & point R toe to R side turning 1/8 L 12.00
|3-4Step R fwd into 1/8 R sweeping L fwd, Step L fwd sweeping R fwd into a 1/8 L 12.00
|5&aCross/step R over L, Step L to L side, Step R behind L 12.00
|6Step L to L side & touch R next to L 12.00
|7a8Step R to R side turning ¼ R, Step L next to R turning a further ½ R, Step R to R turning a further ¼ R sweeping L into a 1/8 R 1.30
|[17-24] Fall away diamond, Walk fwd L, R with ¼ R, L & R balance steps
|1&aCross/Step L over R, Step R slightly to R, Step L slightly back 1.30
|2&aStep R back, Step L to L turning 1/8 L, Step R fwd turning 1/8 L 10.30
|3&aCross/Step L over R, Step R slightly to R, Step L slightly back 10.30
|4&aStep R back, Step L to L turning 1/8 L, Step R fwd turning 1/8 L 7.30
|5-6Step L fwd, Step R fwd turning ¼ R dragging L toe behind R 10.30
|7&aStep L to L side, Rock/step R behind L, Recover weight onto L 10.30
|8&aStep R to R side, Rock/step L behind R, Recover weight onto R 10.30
|[25-32] L side & point R, Together, Weave & sweep R, R sailor with 1/8 L, Fall away diamond to 4.30, L fwd & point R, 3/8 turn R, ¼ turn R
|1Step L to L side pointing R toe to R side 10.30
|a2a3Step R beside L, Cross/step L over R, Step R slightly to R, Step L behind R sweeping R back 10.30
|4&aStep R behind L, Step L to L turning 1/8 L, Step R fwd 9.00
|5&aCross/step L over R, Step R to R side turning 1/8 L, Step L back 7.30
|6&aStep R back, Step L to L side turning 1/8 turn L, Turn 1/8 L stepping R fwd 4.30
|7Step L fwd and point R toe to R side 4.30
|8aTurn 3/8 R stepping R fwd, Step L beside R turning ¼ R 12.00
|TO BEGIN DANCE – ½ turn R sweeping L
|1Step onto R turning a further ½ R to 6.00 sweeping L fwd to restart dance
|(This is count 1 of the new wall where you will follow with counts 2&a)
|Restart Notes:
|Wall 3 – Facing 12:00, Restart after count 4. Recover onto L
|Wall 5 – On the second chorus in section 25-32, Replace counts 4&a with:
|4aStep R behind L, Step L slightly to L to face back wall to restart dance (slow pace R down to execute)
|Finish dance on count 12 turning left to front wall
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