Just Pick Up The Phone
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: High Improver Musik: pick up the phone - Henry Moodie Kunstner: Koreograf: Adrian Lefebour (AUS) - September 2024 #4 count intro from the start of the song | |[1-8] Side, Rock, Recover, Side, Behind, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Paddle Turn, Lock Shuffle Fwd |1,2&Step R to R side, Rock L back, Recover weight on R |3,4&Step L to L side, Step R behind L, 1/4 turn L step L fwd (9.00) |5,6Step R fwd, 1/4 Paddle turn L (6.00) |7&8Step R fwd, Step L behind R, Step R fwd |Alternative Option for counts 7&8 |7&8Step R fwd, 1/2 turn R step L back, 1/2 turn R step R fwd | |[9-16] Side, Behind, Side, Cross Rock, Recover, Side, Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Sweep |1,2&Step L to L side whilst dragging R towards L, Step R behind L, Step L to L side |3,4&Cross rock R over L, Recover weight back on L, Step R to R side |5,6Step L across R, Step R to R side |7&8&Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L across R, Sweep R fwd RESTART |Alternative Option for counts 5-8 |5,6Step L across R, 1/4 turn L step R back |7&8& 3/4 Shuffle – 1/2 turn L step L fwd, Step R next to L, 1/4 turn L step L fwd, Sweep R fwd | |[17-24] Step Across, Back, Back, Step Across, Back, 1/4 Turn, Walk x2, Mambo Step |1,2&Step R across L, Step L back, Step R back |3,4&Step L across R, Step R back, 1/4 L step L fwd (3.00) |5,6Step R fwd, Step L fwd |7&8Rock R fwd, Recover weight on L, Step R back | |[25-32] Rock Back, Recover, 1/2 Diamond Step, Rock fwd, Recover, 3/8 Turn |1,2Rock L back, Recover weight fwd on R |3&4Step L fwd, step R to R side, turn 1/8 L stepping L back (1.30) |5&6Step R back, turn 1/8 L stepping L to L side, turn 1/8 L stepping R fwd (10.30) |7,8&Rock L fwd, Recover weight back on R turning 3/8 L, Step L fwd (6.00) | |Start Again! | |RESTARTs: |Wall 2 – Start the dance at 6 o’clock wall, dance to count 16 – leave the sweep out and restart the dance at 12 o’clock wall. | |Wall 5 – Start the dance at 12 o'clock wall, dance to count 16 – leave the sweep out and restart the dance at 6 o'clock wall. | |ENDING: On wall 8, dance to count 16 to finish the dance at the front wall. | | | |