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Linedance Portalen

Mr Showman  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Improver
Musik: I Am the Man - 2341studios      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Rob Fowler (ES) - November 2024

(1 Restart – Wall 3)
|Intro: 16 counts (approx. 10s)
|S1: Walk R, Walk L, R Rocking Chair, R Heel Rocks, Recover, R Behind, ¼ L, R Side
|1,2Walk forward R, walk forward L
|3&4&Rock forward on R, recover weight on L (&), rock back on R, recover weight on L (&)
|5&Rock forward on R heel, recover weight on L (&)
|6&Rock R heel out to R side, recover weight on L (&)
|7&8Step R behind L, make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L (&), step R to R side [9:00]
|S2: Behind L, Side R, Cross L, Step R ¼ R, Step L, Pivot ½ R, Walk Fwd L, R, L
|1&2Step L behind R, step R to R side (&), cross step L over R
|3,4Make ¼ turn R stepping forward on R, step forward on L [12:00]
|5Make ½ turn R (weight forward on R)
|6,7,8Walk forward L, walk forward R, walk forward L [6:00]
|RESTART: During WALL 3 please RESTART here facing 6 o’clock
|S3: R Mambo Fwd, L Coaster, R Kick-Out-Out, Swivel R Heel-Toes-Heel
|1&2Rock forward on R, recover weight on L (&), step back on R
|3&4Step back on L, step R next to L (&), step forward on L
|5&6Kick R forward, small step R to R side (&), small step L to L side (shoulder-width apart)
|7&8Swivel R heel, toes (&), heel in towards L (keep weight on L) [6:00]
|S4: Rumba Box Fwd, Rumba Box Back, R Shuffle Back, L Coaster
|1&2Step R to R side, step L next to R (&), step forward on R
|3&4Step L to L side, step R next to L (&), step back on L
|5&6Step back on R, step L next to R (&), step back on R
|7&8Step back on L, step R next to L (&), step forward on L [6:00]
|Start Over
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