Goin' Hamm
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Improver Musik: Crank It Up - Colt Ford Kunstner: Koreograf: Trevor Thornton (USA) - August 2014 Start: 32 counts in on the words shake them hips.... | |STEP HIP SWIVEL, COASTER STEP X2 |1&2Step fwd on RF, swivel heels right raising R hip, bring heels back center |3&4Step back slightly on RF, step LF next to RF, step fwd on RF |5&6Step fwd on LF, swivel heels left raising your L hip, bring heels back center |7&8Step back slightly on LF, step RF next to LF, step fwd on LF | |R ROCK, RECOVER, ½ TURN SHUFFLE, L ROCK, RECOVER COASTER CROSS |1-2Rock fwd on RF, recover weight to LF |3&4½ turn over RT shoulder, stepping fwd on RF, slide LF to RT instep, step fwd on RF |5-6Rock fwd on LF, recover weight to RF |7&8Step back slightly left, step right next to left, cross left over right |Restart here on wall 4- dance first 16 counts you will be facing 12:00 when you restart. | |GRAPEVINE RIGHT, TURNING GRAPEVINE LEFT |1-4Step RF to right side, step LF behind RF, step RF to right side, touch L toe next to R |5-8¼ turn L step on LF, ½ turn L step back on RF, ¼ turn L step on LF, touch R toe next to L | |TOUCH R FWD, SIDE, SAILOR, TOUCH L FWD, SIDE, SAILOR |1-2Touch R toe fwd, touch R toe to R side |3&4Step RF behind LF, step LF to L side, step RF to R side |5-6Touch L toe fwd, touch L toe to L side |7&8Step LF behind RF, step RF to R side, step LF to left side | |TAG: ROCKING CHAIR - After wall 9 FACING 6:00 |1-4Rock fwd on RF, recover LF, rock back on RF, recover LF | | |||| | |