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Linedance Portalen

A Sure Bet And Win That's Dancin'  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Absolute Beginner
Musik: BOOGIE - Van Ness Wu      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Sher Mcintosh (CAN) - December 2024

No Tag No Restart
|Dedicated to some very special people.
|Arm Motions are Optional but Highly Recommended.
|Section 1:Two 1/ 8 turns L (swing hips/arms), R Step Charleston
|1, 2Step forward R foot and rotate 1 /8 to left, stepping on L foot, swing Your hips and hands to accentuate the turn(per demo)
|3, 4Step forward R foot and rotate 1 /8 to left, stepping on L foot, swing Your hips and hands to accentuate the turn(per demo)
|5 – 8Step Charleston: Step on R foot, point L toe fwd, step back on L, point R toe straight back
|Section 2:Two 1/ 8 turns L (swing hips/arms), Step R, Point L toe forward, turn 1/ 4 L stepping on L foot, R touch
|1, 2Step forward R foot and rotate 1 /8 to left, stepping on L foot, swing Your hips and hands to accentuate the turn(per demo)
|3, 4Step forward R foot and rotate 1 /8 to left, stepping on L foot, swing Your hips and hands to accentuate the turn(per demo)
|5, 6Step on R foot, Point L toe forward
|7, 8Turn 1 /4 to the Left stepping on L foot, touch R toe at L instep
|Section 3:Four R Hip bumps fwd, Sway 4 times LRLR
|1 – 4R Hip bumps forward on a slight diagonal (1 o clock) four times
|5 – 8Sway four times LRLR
|Section 4: Four L Hip bumps fwd, R rocking chair
|1 – 4L Hip bumps forward on slight diagonal ( 11 o clock) four times
|5 – 8R Rocking Chair: R rock fwd, recover L, rock back R, recover L
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