Homeward Bound
Steps: 64 Vægge: 4 Niveau: High Beginner Musik: Take Me Home - Tol & Tol : (CD: V) Kunstner: Koreograf: Paul Dornstedt (USA) & Karla Dornstedt (USA) - April 2010 Lead in 16 cts. | |(1 – 8) SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE, TOUCH |1 - 4 Step right side right, touch left next to right & clap, step left side left, touch right next to left & clap |5 - 8 Step right side right, cross left behind right, step right side right, touch left next to right | |(9 – 16) SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE, TOUCH |1 - 4 Step left side left, touch right next to left & clap, step right side right, touch left next to right & clap |5 - 8 Step left side left, cross right behind left, step left side left, touch right next to left | |(17 – 24) TOE-STRUT, TOE-STRUT, FORWARD, 1/2 LEFT, FORWARD, HOLD |1 - 4 Touch right toe forward, step down on right, touch left toe forward, step down on left |5 - 8 Step forward on right, turn 1/2 left and step on left, step forward on right, hold (6:00) | |(25 – 32) TOE-STRUT, TOE-STRUT, FORWARD, 1/4 RIGHT, CROSS, HOLD |1 - 4 Touch left toe forward, step down on left, touch right toe forward, step down on right |5 - 8 Step forward on left, turn 1/4 right and step on right, cross left over right, hold (9:00) |Restart here during 5th rotation (facing 9:00 o’clock wall) and 7th rotation (facing 9:00 o’clock wall) | |(33 - 40) SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, HOLD, ROCK, RECOVER |1 - 4 Step right side right, cross left over right, step right side right, cross left over right |5 - 8 Step right big step side right, hold, cross rock left behind right, recover weight on right | |Optional: To create an UP / DOWN motion replace steps 33 - 40 by the following steps |(33 – 40) SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, HOLD, ROCK, RECOVER |1 - Step right side right on the ball of right to create an upward motion. |2 - Cross left over right while bending both knees to create a downward motion |3 - 4 Repeat steps 1 and 2 |5 - 8 Step right big step side right, hold, cross rock left behind right, recover weight on right | |(41 – 48) SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, HOLD, ROCK, RECOVER |1 - 2 Step left side left, cross right over left, step left side left, cross right over left |5 - 8 Step left big step side left, hold, cross rock right behind left, recover weight on left | |Optional: To create an UP / DOWN motion replace steps 41 - 48 by the following steps |(41 – 48) SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, HOLD, ROCK, RECOVER |1 - Step left side left on the ball of left to create an upward motion. |2 - Cross right over left while bending both knees to create a downward motion |3 - 4 Repeat steps 1 and 2 |5 - 8 Step left big step side left, hold, cross rock right behind left, recover weight on left | |(49 – 56) ROCKING CHAIR, FORWARD, HOLD, FORWARD, 1/2 RIGHT |1 - 2 Rock forward on right, recover weight back on left |3 - 4 Rock back on right, recover weight forward on left |5 - 8 Step forward on right, hold, step forward on left, turn 1/2 right and step on right (3:00) | |(57 – 64) FORWARD, HOLD, FORWARD, TOGETHER, BACK, HOLD, BACK, TOUCH |1 - 4 Step forward on left, hold, step forward on right, step left next to right |5 - 8 Step back on right, hold, step back on left, touch right next to left | |REPEAT | |RESTART: Complete 32 counts of the dance and restart. |Start the fifth rotation facing 12:00 o’clock wall and restart the dance facing 9:00 o’clock this will be the sixth rotation. |Start the seventh rotation facing 12:00 o’clock wall and restart the dance facing 9:00 o’clock this will be the eighth rotation. | |ENDING: (optional) |The dance ends on count 62 facing the front wall, step back on right, drag left towards right. |1 - 4 Step forward on left, hold, step forward on right, step left next to right |5 - 6 Step back on right, drag left towards right | |E-mail: kpdmagic15@hotmail.com | | | |