Neon Dance Floor Ez
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Beginner Musik: Between You and Me - Easton Corbin : (iTunes or Spotify) Kunstner: Koreograf: Ninna Jensen (DK) - January 2025 Restarts: 1 on 3rd. Wall | |I.: SIDE TOGETHER CHASSÉ RIGHT, CROSS ROCK, CHASSÉ ¼ LEFT |1-2Step R to right, step L next to R, |3&4Step R to right, Left together, R to right |5-6Rock L over R taking weight, recover to R taking weight |7&8L to left, R together, L fw turning ¼ L. | |II.: STEP, TOUCH, BACK SHUFFLE, BACK ROCK, PIVOT ¼ LEFT |1-2Step R fw, touch L behind R |3&4Step L back, R beside L, step L back |5-8Rock R back, recover weight to L, Step R fw, pivot ¼ L stepping L to L |Restart here on wall 3 | |III.: CROSS, HOLD, BALL STEP VINE LEFT, CROSS ROCK, CHASSÉ RIGHT |1-2Cross R over L, hold |&3-4Step L to L, R behind L, step L to L |5-6Cross rock R over L, recover weight to L |7&8Step R to R, Left together, step R to R | |IIII.: CROSS ROCK, CHASSÉ ¼ LEFT, ROCKING CHAIR |1-2Cross L over R, recover weight to R |3&4Step L to L, R together turning ¼ L, Step L fw |5-8Rock R fw, recover weight to L, Rock R back, recover weight to L | |*1 restart wall 3: dance to ct. 8 and restart at 12:00 o´clock |Ending 12.th wall: dance stops at 3:00 o´clock, simply turn ¼ turn left – TADAA! | |Last Update: 27 Jan 2025 | | | |