Ah Ya Albi (cba25)
Steps: 128 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Advanced Musik: Ah Ya Albi (Ajna (BE), Samm (BE) Edit) - Hakim Kunstner: Koreograf: Marlon Ronkes (NL) & Romain Brasme (FR) - February 2025 Intro: 31 Counts. Start at approx 15 secs. |Remember to Vote for your favourite dances in the Linedancer Charts. |Sequence: A, B, C, C, C, C (32 Counts), B, C, C, C (32 Counts), A, C, C | |Part A |Note Throughout all of Part A hands:- fingers spread with thumb and index finger tips touching | |SEC 1 POINT, HOLD |8Lift left heel pointing left toe to left |Arms Place right arm to left at waist height, place left arm to left with hand at head height elbow bent at right angle |1-7Hold | |SEC 2 POINT, HOLD |8Drop left heel lifting right heel right pointed to right |Arms Place left arm to right at waist height, place right arm to right with hand at head height elbow bent at right angle |1-7Hold | |SEC 3 TOGETHER ARMS, HOLD |8Step right beside left |Arms Cross both arms over body at waist height right on top of left |1-7Hold | |SEC 4 ARMS, HOLD |8Take both hands to respective sides keeping hands at waist height |1-8Hold |Note First time Part A is danced arms are on count 8, the second time the arms are on count 1 | |Part B |Note Palms are flat throughout Part B | |SEC 1 ARMS, HEAD MOVEMENT |1Palms facing up place right hand at shoulder height elbow bent in a V |2Palms facing up place left hand at shoulder height elbow bent in a V |3-4Raise right hand to head height, raise left hand to head height |5-6Place hands together high above head, lower hands towards head |7&8&Push head right, push head left, push head right, return to center | |SEC 2 KNEE ROLL, KNEE ROLL, POINT, TOGETHER, POINT, TOGETHER |1-2Bend both knees roll from left to right, straighten both knees |3-4Bend both knees roll from right to left, straighten both knees weight on right |Note Arms are still over head hands together |5-6Point left to left, step left beside right |Arms Lower left hand to shoulder height, return hand to back above head |7-8Point right to right, step right beside left |Arms Lower right hand to shoulder height, return hand to above head | |SEC 3 BOW X4 Note Lower hands to prayer position in front of body |1-2Bend from hips to left diagonal, return to standing |3-4Bend from hips to right diagonal, return to standing |5-6Bend from hips to left diagonal, return to standing |7-8Bend from hips to right diagonal, return to standing | |SEC 4 BODY CIRCLE |1-8Bend from hips to right diagonal pulse round in a full circle anticlockwise | |Part C | |SEC 1 FULL TURN STEP SWEEP, CROSS ROCK SIDE, CROSS ROCK TOGETHER |1Turn ¼ right step right forward (3:00) |2-3-4Turn ¾ right sweeping left from back to front over 3 counts (12:00) |5&6Cross rock left over right, recover weight on to right, step left to left |7&8Cross rock right over left, recover weight on to left, step right beside left | |SEC 2 SYNOCAPTED WEAVE, SIDE SHIMMY, TOGETHER |1-2Cross left over right, step right to right |3&4Step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right |5-6-7Step right to right shimmying shoulders over 3 counts |8Step left beside right | |SEC 3 ⅛ STEP, LOCK, STEP, HITCH, ¼ STEP, LOCK, STEP, HITCH |1-2Turn ⅛ left step right forward, lock left behind right (10:30) |3-4Step right forward, hitch left |5-6Turn ¼ right step left forward, lock right behind left (1:30) |7-8Step left forward, hitch right | |SEC 4 MODIFIED SYNCOPATED ⅛ JAZZBOX ¼ BACK, SIDE, ½ PADDLE, FLICK |1-2Cross right over left, step left back |&3-4Step right to right, cross left over right, turn ⅛ left step right back (12:00) |&5-6Step left to left, turn ¼ left point right to right, turn ⅛ right point right to right (7:30) |7-8Turn ⅛ right point right to right, flick right back (6:00) |Restart On the 4th and 7th time Part C is danced | |SEC 5 ¼ STEP, ½ BACK, COASTER STEP, STEP, ¼ SIDE, ¼ SAILOR STEP |1-2Turn ¼ left step right forward, turn ½ right step left back (9:00) |3&4Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward |5-6Step left forward, turn ¼ left step right to right (6:00) |7&8Turn ¼ left step left behind right, step right to right, step left forward (3:00) | |SEC 6 1½ TURNING PONY STEPS |1&2Step right forward hitching left knee, step left beside right, step right forward hitching left knee |3&4Turn ½ right step left back hitching right knee, step right beside left, step left back hitching right knee (9:00) |5&6Turn ½ right step right forward hitching left knee, step left beside right, step right forward hitching left knee (3:00) |7&8Turn ½ right step left back hitching right knee, step right beside left, step left back hitching right knee (9:00) | |SEC 7 WALK WALK & LOCK & STEP, ½ CURVING WALK WALK & LOCK & STEP |1-2Step right forward, step left forward |&3&4Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, step left forward |5-6Turn ⅛ left step right forward, turn ⅛ left step left forward (6:00) |&7&8Turn ¼ left step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, step left forward (3:00) | |SEC 8 ROCKING CHAIR, STEP, ½ PIVOT, STEP, ¼ PIVOT |1-2Rock right forward, recover weight on to left |3-4Rock right back, recover weight on to left |5-6Step right forward pivot ½ left transferring weight onto left (9:00) |7-8Step right forward pivot ¼ left transferring weight onto left (6:00) | |Email: scripts@linedancerweb.com www.linedancefoundation.com www.linedancer-radio.com |kingshilldanceholidays.com crystalbootawards.com | |Last Update: 3 Feb 2025 | | | |