God Damned Beautiful
Steps: 16 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Intermediate rolling count Musik: God Damned Beautiful - The Scarlet Opera Kunstner: Koreograf: Debbie Rushton (UK) - December 2024 Count in: After 8 counts on lyrics - 4 tags | |STEP SWEEP, TWINKLE, STEP SWEEP, WEAVE, SIDE, SIDE BEHIND TURN, SPIRAL, RUN RUN RUN |1Step L forward and sweep R round from back to front |2&aCross R over L, Step ball of L to L side Step R to R side |3Step L forward and sweep R round from back to front |4&aCross R over L, Step L to L side, Cross R behind L |5Step L big step to L side, dragging R towards L |6&aStep R to R side, Cross L behind R, Make ¼ turn R stepping R forward |7Step L forward and spiral a full turn over R shoulder, taking weight onto L |8&aRun forward R, L, R | |ROCK, BACK BACK BACK, SWAY SWAY, CROSS TURN BACK, BACK TURN STEP, STEP LIFT, BACK TURN CROSS |1Rock forward on L foot |2&aRun back R, L, R |3 4Make ¼ turn L stepping L to L side and sway body left, Sway body R taking weight onto R |5&aCross L over R, Make ¼ turn L stepping R back, Step back on L |6&aStep back on R, Make ½ turn over L shoulder stepping L forward, Step R forward |7Step L forward and lift R leg up in front |8&aStep back on R, Make ¼ turn L stepping L to L side, Cross R over L |*** To begin the dance again, make ¼ turn L stepping L forward into the new wall | |TAG 1 – After wall 3 facing 3 o clock |TAG 2 – During wall 6 after 2(&a) counts facing 9 o clock |TAG 3 - After wall 8 facing 3 o clock |STEP POINT HOLD, BACK ROCK RECOVER |1&aStep L forward, Point R out to R side, Hold |2&aStep R back, Rock L out to L side, Recover onto R | |TAG 4 – During wall 11 (facing 12 o clock). Dance up to count 14(&a) |STEP POINT HOLD, BACK ROCK RECOVER |1&aStep L forward, Point R out to R side, Hold |2&aStep R back, Point L out to L side, Hold |3&a4Step L forward, Step R forward | | | |