Sweet Dreams
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Low Intermediate Musik: Sweet Dreams (feat. Holly Henry) - Trinix Kunstner: Koreograf: Michelle Wright (USA) - February 2025 Dance starts 16 counts in with weight on R foot |Restart wall 6 after 16 counts | |Section 1: L Dorothy, Side, Sailor, Syncopated extended weave |1,2 &Step L forward into L diagonal, Step R behind L, Step L forward |3Step R to R side |4&5Cross L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L to L side |6&7Cross R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L |&8&Step L to L side, Cross R behind L, Step L to L side | |Section 2: Cross rock, Recover, Side w/ drag, Sailor, Touch behind, ½ unwind |1,2Rock R over L, Recover weight on L |3,4Big step R, Drag L into R |5&6Cross L behind R, Step R to R side. Step L to L side |7,8Touch R toe behind L , unwind a ½ turn R weight on R (6:00) |Restart here on wall 6 | |Section 3: ¼ hip bump, ¼ hip bump ¼ hip bump, Forward hip bump |1&2¼ turn R touching L toe forward as you bump your hip L, Bump hip R, Bump hip L as you drop your heel weight on L (9:00) |3&41/4 turn R touching R toe to R side and bump hip forward, bump back, Bump hip forward and drop heel weight on R(12:00) |5&6¼ turn R touch L toe to L side and bump hip L,Bump hip R, Bump hip L and drop heel weight on L(3:00) |7&8Touch R toe forward and bump hip forward, Bump hip back, Bump hip forward and drop heel weight on R | |Section 4: L forward press together, R press recover, Back w/ body roll, Together, Back w/ body roll and touch |1,2&Press L forward, Recover on R, Step L next to R |3,4Press R forward, Recover on L |5,6&Touch R toe back starting body roll, Finish body roll as you drop R heel, Step L next to R |7,8Touch R toe back starting body roll, Finish body roll as you drop R heel and touch L next to R | |Ending: Dance will end on 32 counts doing your body roll back facing 9:00. When you finish the final body roll angle body towards 12:00 by looking over R shoulder. | |End of dance. Any questions email Michellelinedance@gmail.com | | | |