Shoop Shoop
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Beginner Musik: The Shoop Shoop Song (Its In His Kiss) - Cher Kunstner: Koreograf: Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) |This dance was choreographed for the 60's music challenge at the 2000 Faast Country Dance Roundup in Minnesota VINE RIGHT, TOUCH, KICK BALL CHANGE TWICE 1-4Step right foot to right side, step left foot crossed behind right, step right foot to right side, touch left beside right 5&6Kick left foot forward, rock back with ball of left foot, recover weight forward to right foot 7&8Kick left foot forward, rock back with ball of left foot, recover weight forward to right foot VINE LEFT, TOUCH, KICK BALL CHANGE TWICE 1-4Step left foot to left side, stp right foot crossed behind left, step left foot to left side, touch right beside left 5&6Kick right foot forward, rock back with ball of right foot, recover weight forward to left foot 7&8Kick right foot forward, rock back with ball of right foot, recover weight forward to left foot DIAGONAL STEP, SLIDE, STEP, TOUCH (SUPREMES) 1-3Step right foot forward to right diagonal, slide left foot together, step right foot forward to right diagonal 4Touch left beside right, clap hands 5-7Step left foot forward to left diagonal, slide right foot together, step left foot forward to left diagonal 8Touch right beside left, clap hands Styling: swing fists in direction of diagonal steps for a Supreme's look ROCK FORWARD, RECOVER, SHUFFLE ½ TURN RIGHT, STEP, ¼ TURN RIGHT, CROSSING SHUFFLE 1-2Rock forward with right foot, recover weight back to left foot 3&4Shuffle right, left, right turning ½ turn right 5-6Step forward with left foot, turn ¼ right, shift weight to right foot 7&8Step left foot across in front of right, small step right with right foot, step left foot across in front of right REPEAT | |