Damn Darlin'
Steps: 48 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Improver Musik: Damn Darlin - 49 Winchester : (Album: Fortune Favors the Bold) Kunstner: Koreograf: Joshua Talbot (AUS) & Sally Talbot (AUS) - February 2025 Intro: 48 counts from beginning of track – Start on Lyrics “Night” before Christmas | |Section 1: L TWINKLE, R TWINKLE |1, 2, 3Step L over R, rock R to R, recover weight L |4, 5, 6Step R over L, rock L to L, recover weight R | |Section 2: L TWINKLE, CROSS, SWEEP |1, 2, 3Step L over R, rock R to R, recover weight L |4, 5, 6Step R over L, sweep L from back to front for 2 counts | |Section 3: CROSS, ¼, BACK, BASIC BACK |1, 2, 3Step L over R, ¼ L step on R, step L back (9.00) |4, 5, 6Step R back, step L together, step R together | |Section 4: FWD ½ BASIC, BACK ½ BASIC |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, ½ L step R together, step L together (3.00) |4, 5, 6Step R back, ½ L step L together, step R together (9.00) |(Non turning option: Two basic waltz fwd) | |Section 5: FWD, KICK/RAISE, BACK LOCK STEP |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, kick/raise R foot forward for 2 counts |4, 5, 6Step R back, cross L over R, step R back | |Section 6: BACK, DRAG, ROLL FWD |1, 2, 3Step L back, drag R towards L |4, 5, 6Recover weight R, ½ R step L slightly back, ½ R step R fwd (9.00) |(Non turning option: Run fwd, fwd, fwd | |Section 7: FWD TOUCH, HOLD, MODIFIED ¼ SAILOR |1, 2, 3Step L fwd, touch R together, HOLD |4, 5, 6Step R back, ¼ L rock L to L, recover weight R (6.00) | |Section 8: BEHIND, SWEEP, BACK, HOOK |1, 2, 3Step L behind R, sweep R from front to back for 2 counts |4, 5, 6Step R back, slowly bring L in and hook to R ankle | |[48] | |Ending: Slow down with the music on the last wall, you may have to hold a little on the Hook till the last 4 beats of the music are heard. On these beats do a Left twinkle and cross R over L with a full turn unwind to finish | |Joshua Talbot +61 407 533 616 dance@jbtalbot.com www.jbtalbot.com | | | |