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Linedance Portalen


Steps: 48             Vægge: 2             Niveau: High Improver
Musik: Castaways - Milow & Florence Arman      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Heather Barton (SCO) & Gregory Danvoie (BEL) - February 2025

S1. Walk X2, coaster step fwd, step back X2, coaster step
|1-2RF step forward, LF step forward (12:00)
|3&4RF step forward, LF step next to RF, RF step back (12:00)
|5-6LF step back, RF step back (12:00)
|7&8LF step back, RF step next to LF, LF step forward (12:00)
|S2. Sway x2, side chasse, side-step with ¼ turn, touch, ball, hell, clap X2
|1-2RF step to the R side with a sway to the R, sway to the L side (12:00)
|3&4RF step to the R side, LF step next to RF, RF step to the R side (12:00)
|5-6LF step to the L side with ¼ turn to the L, RF touch next to LF (09:00)
|&7&8RF step next to LF, LF heel forward, clap 2x in your hand (09:00)
|S3. Ball, Dorothy step X2, touch, ball, heel, ball, step fwd, pivot with ¼ turn
|&1-2LF step next to RF, RF step slightly to the R forward diagonal, LF cross behind RF (09:00)
|&3-4RF step forward to the R forward diagonal, LF step slightly forward to the L diagonal, RF cross behind LF (09:00)
|&5&6LF step slightly forward to the L diagonal, RF touch next to LF, RF step next to LF, LF heel forward (09:00)
|&7-8LF step next to RF, RF step forward, pivot with ¼ turn to the L side (06:00)
|S4. Vaudeville X2, jazz box with slide, knee pop
|1&2&RF cross over LF, LF step to the L side, RF heel forward, RF step next to LF (06:00)
|3&4&LF cross over RF, RF step to the R side, LF heel forward, LF step next to RF (06:00)
|5-6RF cross over LF, LF step back (06:00)
|7-8RF big step to the R side, LF slide next to RF, LF step next to RF (06:00)
|(weight on LF and knee pop with RF)
|S5. Cross over, step back with ¼ turn, chasse to the side, cross over, step back with ¼ turn, chasse to the side
|1-2RF cross over LF, LF step back with ¼ turn to the R (09:00)
|3&4RF chasse to the R side (09:00)
|5-6LF cross over RF, RF step back with ¼ turn to the L (06:00)
|7&8LF chasse to the L side (06:00)
|S6. Cross samba X2, jazz box with ¼ turn with a kick fwd
|1&2RF cross over LF, LF step slightly to the L side, RF step slightly to the R side (06:00)
|3&4LF cross over RF, RF step slightly to the R side, LF step slightly to the L side (06:00)
|5-6RF cross over LF, LF step back with ¼ turn to the R (09:00)
|7-8RF step to the R side, LF step next to RF with a RF kick forward (09:00)
|Restart: *At wall 5 after 32 counts
|Tag: End of wall 2
|1-2RF rock forward, recover on LF
|3-4RF rock back, recover on LF
|Gregory Danvoie – gregoire18@hotmail.com
|Heather Bartin - Hcbootleggers26@aol.com
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