Bad Intentions
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: Red Dress - Sophia Scott Kunstner: Koreograf: Joshua Talbot (AUS) - February 2025 Intro: 12 counts from start of track |Restarts: 2 restarts | |Section 1: L FWD, R ANCHOR, L BACK LOCK, ROCK BACK/POP, 1 ¼ L TRIPLE FWD |1, 2&3Step L fwd, Lock R behind L, step L on the spot, step R back |4&5Step L back, cross step R over L, step L back |6, 7Sweep R back stepping onto R & pop L knee fwd, take weight L |8&1½ L step R together, ½ L step L together, ¼ L step R to R |(Tip: On count 7, you should be prepping to turn L for the triple turn) | |Section 2: L SAILOR, TOGETHER, CROSS, ¼ FWD, ¼ SIDE, SAILOR, TOGETHER |2&3&4Step L behind R, step R to R, step L to L, step R together, cross L over R |5, 6¼ R Step R fwd, ¼ R step L to L |7&8Step R behind L, step L to L, step R to R (Restart here on wall 2 & 5) |&Step L together | |Section 3: R ROCK FWD, RECOVER, R BACK PONY, L BACK PONY, R BACK, RECOVER |1, 2¼ R Rock R fwd, recover weight L |3&4Step R behind L, step L in infront of R, step R in place |5&6Step L behind R, step R in infront of L, step L in place |7, 8Slightly jump back onto R leaning back as you extend L foot fwd, recover weight L as you step L fwd | |Section 4: R ROCK FWD, RECOVER, ½ FWD, ¼ SWEEP, CROSS, SIDE, TOGETHER, CROSS, ¼, ½ |1, 2, 3, 4Rock R fwd, recover weight L, ½ R step R fwd, ¼ R keep weight on R sweeping L around |5&6Cross step L over R, step R to R, step L together |7&8Cross step R over L, ¼ R L together, ½ R step R slightly fwd | |[32] | |Restarts: On wall 2 & 5, dance to count 16, turning the Sailor a ¼ R |Note: The 2 restarts turn the dance to the opposite wall, thus making it a 2 wall dance | |Finish: Dance to count 13 (¼ R step R fwd) then Step L fwd, R anchor (it’s the first 3 steps of the dance) and then step back on L crossing hands infront of you and then raising them | |Joshua Talbot: +61 407 533 616 dance@jbatlbot.com www.jbtalbot.com | | | |